What would you like to see in a game?

20 Oct 2002
I have been thinking about this lately and wonder what else ppl would like? I am not talking about unbelievable things like full interaction, 100% realism or the like.

I personally would like to see things like random character generation especially on FPS and things like Resident evil where we are lead to believe that when someone dies they are reincarnated as a zombie that looks like someone else. Things also like in FPS where you shoot an enemy with a shotty a few time to kill them. Yes i know that body armour would probably stop them from getting killed, at least with the first blast, but the blast would at least knock them for six and make them drop thier weapon but currently they tend to keep coming...
Make a game where enemies don't have to be shot 2000 times to die, i want it to be realistic, so 1 or 2 shots, and even if the enemy gets shot in the armour they fall over stunned.

The ability to smash through anything i want, so i see a wall and i want to get through, if i put enough bullets through that wall it will eventually collapse, meaning you can explore any part of the world how you want.

A MMORPG with mass PvP, RF Online attempted it, but it just didn't work out, if someone worked on a title like this it would be one of the most successful.
Skyline said:
Things also like in FPS where you shoot an enemy with a shotty a few time to kill them. Yes i know that body armour would probably stop them from getting killed, at least with the first blast, but the blast would at least knock them for six and make them drop thier weapon but currently they tend to keep coming...
There's a new indiana jones game coming out with technology along those lines. It basically generates animations based on ragdoll physics mixed with artist-created animations.
Psyk said:
There's a new indiana jones game coming out with technology along those lines. It basically generates animations based on ragdoll physics mixed with artist-created animations.

Whats the name of the game? Or has it not yet been confirmed?
NeoReloaded said:
Whats the name of the game? Or has it not yet been confirmed?

As yet untitled according to the latest PC Gamer. Has an ETA of 4th Quarter 2007, being published by Activision and developed by LucasArts.
Operation Flashpoint with

a) Awesome Graphics

b) Full object/physics support. ie you can blow anything up including walls.

c) Better support for planes so you can walk about inside them.

That would be immense.
Knights of the Old Republic with a scale of Oblivion, over 10 worlds and being voice acted for everything to the quality of the original games, but also as open ended as Oblivion... but that's a few years away I think, though KOTOR3 will suffice for now :p

Or just Jedi Knight, lightsabres and basic force powers, in an engine with good physics and can cope with heavy dismemberment and crazy sabreplay!
I'd like to see a game where people who choose to be snipers forgo the right to pickup another weapon and also do not get pistols. That way if they want to sit at the back of the map racking up easy kills then let them, but make it so there is come back for choosing such a selfish occupation. Maybe then only serious proffessional snipers would take the weapon and the score-mad noobs will be forced to put themselves at a slight risk and play normally. On publics I'm talking about. end of rant.
Fluid dynamics would be immense, perhaps later incarnations of the physx card will supply this?

Failing that, A Huge hairy robotic badger hell bent on burrowing in public places. :cool:
Supreme Commander.

But even bigger.

Failing that, I want to see a game like Battlefield 1942, in 1:1 scale.
I want to see thousands upon thousands of planes in those bombing raids. I want to see batallions of tanks rolling across the plains of el alamein, I want to see hundreds of people fighting in the streets of Stalingrad.
I'd like to see the end of the "yes I may be a heavily armed hard guy capable of taking entire invading alien armies down single handedly, but there's no way I can get over that poxy little fence" syndrome from FPS's!
Azagoth said:
I'd like to see the end of the "yes I may be a heavily armed hard guy capable of taking entire invading alien armies down single handedly, but there's no way I can get over that poxy little fence" syndrome from FPS's!

Heh... Also some common sense "I have a rocket launcher why the **** am I looking for a keycard?"
A racing MMORPG. Like Eve Online but just racing around a city doing jobs or drag races etc. Have to start off with a crap car like a Fiesta and have to build your way up to driving Ferrari's etc.

And this has to have real cars too :)
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