Duke said:Eastenders theme tune, looped over and over 24/7
Muhahaha NO ONE SHALL LIVE :evil:
You're pure evil Duke. lol.
Duke said:Eastenders theme tune, looped over and over 24/7
Muhahaha NO ONE SHALL LIVE :evil:
Damnfoolman!! you MUST use the chewing gum DangeDange said:McGuyver theme tune. Id take over the world with nothing but a yoghurt pot, broken guitar string and my trusty swiss army knife.
ElvisFan said:I already have a theme. I walk on stage to the strains of "Also Sprach Zarathustra" by Richard Strauss.
Yewen said:Bob the Builder = Can we fix it?
That just has a ironic type of ring to it.
Mr_L said: