Whats App help please



2 May 2012
Hello i can't attach jpegs to whatsapp texts.

It sends me to recents, or a cloud media app to get gallery

I'm not on a cloud, and never use it.

I've tried looking through all my permissions, I think i downloaded a whats app update, but I'm not sure as i do them in a block.

After recents, i get recents, camera, videos, screenshots, whatsapp then see more....

if i click on see more, i get photos (which is fine even though the screen is different) then albums ... if i click on albums camera, videos, screenshots..... if i click on the 3 dots in the corner it says "cloud media app"

Can somebody help please
Is this Android or iOS?

If it's Android, try removing the permission for photo/local file access, and go back into WhatsApp and try accessing it again. Sometimes permissions in WhatsApp go funny and this'll fix it!
this seems to be on the right lines.

What I've found is if I touch the gallery icon (after the paper clip) i get "recents", but if i hard press it for a second or 2, i then get the full gallery on folders on my phone, which is what i obviously want.

Maybe it has always been like this and i never realised ?

I also remember, i signed into google photos..... and now I don't know how to sign out, if that is what is still causing a clash (maybe) . I don't know why i did this, i don't sign up to anything in google that shares things among multi devices etc.
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