What's happened to beer?

Well, those shops are pretty unscrupulous and shouldn't be doing that. I don't know of any shops local to me that import a branded beer that you can get in the UK easily for reasons of cost. And I know a lot of off sales. ;)

The trouble with tests is that they are very hard to conduct properly at home, as it's pretty hard to control all the variables. Though, I'm not doubting you can prefer one over the other; I question the level of preference. I reckon if I gave you 3 glasses of imported Stella and 3 glasses of British brewed Stella and didn't tell you that one was imported and one was 'local', then you wouldn't be able to tell a difference.

I wouldn't drink Heineken or Ashai, so couldn't really comment. But how they can make Ashai anything but boring and bland I do not know. :p

Due to your location its more difficult at a guess for suppliers dodgy or not to export then import lager.

Try the midlands/London and anywhere south of London its fairly common.

Some do the dodgy deal of no VAT and pay cash , other go ligit and pay tax purely because their local customers prefer that beer.

I'd happily take you up on the offer of 3 glasses of UK stella and 3 glasses of Belgium Stella :D:p
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