Whats is this lead called?

3 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Need the name of a lead, i think its a common type lead but dont know the name. Its for my Aego 2.1 speakers.

The cable connects to the speaker (phono lead?) the other end connects to an amp, the cable is a solid unit until it almost reach the amp and then splits in 2, it looks like copper wire (the 2 bits you insert). The cable is then clamped down into the amp.

Anyone know what I mean?
If you could provide a picture someone will be instantly able to tell you instead of lots of funny guesswork!

Sounds like its standard speaker cable which doesn't use connectors (this is quite common, the amp just has clamps or screw posts for connection)
Is it this at the amp:


To this:


Or any of these:


Is it this at the amp:


To this:



Or any of these:

That's the two! :) Do you know what it is called?

The one i have at them moment (1 for each speaker), is way to long for my needs and it seems to be of low quality. Any decent brands to look for?

Thank again!
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You'll be hard pushed to find bare ends to phono leads as phono is generally used for line level stuff and not speaker level.

Two solutions: buy a phono to anything cable and cut the 'anything' part off and strip the wires, or make up your own from scratch.
I'd make one from scratch, plenty of places to get phono (RCA) jacks, try an auction site maybe?

Neutrik are a good make.

The only reason I wouldnt use a cable which is already phono is it will probably be on the thin side, which is a bad thing.
Thanks for replies guys :)

So what I need is a phono - phono lead and then cut the end to expose the 2 wires which I plug into my amp? Do all phono leads have the 2 wires inside?

Neutrik are the best make.

Go into any pro studio in the world and it'll be using Neutrik connectors, problem is they now have this made in china 'NY' series which are really shoddy.... so make sure you only get the good ones.

Don't know if I would say they are the best. Most widely used, certainly. But there are a lot of boutique brands out there. Not that it makes a huge difference with interconnects (so much snake oil in those industries!)

Thanks for replies guys :)

So what I need is a phono - phono lead and then cut the end to expose the 2 wires which I plug into my amp? Do all phono leads have the 2 wires inside?


Again, I wouldn't. But it depends on how much power you are pumping through.
I'd never judge the power someone is attempting to use by the jack used. You see some downright scarey amounts of power getting fed through some systems (where it should really be speakons or bare wires being used)

Just caution on my part though.
I'd judge the length you need and buy a cable with RCA at both ends that is twice as long. Cut it in half and strip the two 'bare' ends to give the connection to the speakers that you need. That way you have two cables for the price of one.

Assuming you have two speakers of course ;)
I'd judge the length you need and buy a cable with RCA at both ends that is twice as long. Cut it in half and strip the two 'bare' ends to give the connection to the speakers that you need. That way you have two cables for the price of one.

Assuming you have two speakers of course ;)

The problem with this is most phono/RCA leads I have seen, the wires are coaxial, meaning centre core (positive) and surrounding thin wire mesh (negative). The two parts are not equally shielded.
I would say you are definately better off buying two core speaker cable (like the photo) and fit an RCA conector.
The problem with this is most phono/RCA leads I have seen, the wires are coaxial, meaning centre core (positive) and surrounding thin wire mesh (negative). The two parts are not equally shielded.
I would say you are definately better off buying two core speaker cable (like the photo) and fit an RCA conector.

Also the shield generally can't carry as much current as the core, this can cause the cable to catch fire.

Though I must admit, my phono cables arent coax.
Im really lost now guys, i never even thought about a potential fire risk before starting the post.

The setup I have is just this:

I just want to replace the speaker cable that fits to the amp as the standard one is now showing signs of wear.
It should be fine, just try and get a quality one, not one with really really thin wires.

"HQ Twin Phono 2 RCA to 2 RCA Audio Lead OFC Cable 10m"

Or search for "RCA Speaker" to be on the safer side :)

(search on a certain auction site, something like that should be fine, thought it is probably overkill length wise, just an example)

Either that or look for anyone selling Van damme cables using neutrik connectors, that's what I use for all my studio interconnects. Good stuff :)
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