Whats more important to you?

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Glasgow

Whats more important to you?

A song where you can identify what the song is about, does the song tell a story that applies to you? Do you appreciate the song writers pain or joy?


Do you just like a catchy tune where the words are pretty much pointless?


Both. Tbqh probably in equal amounts as well. Love stuff like Bloc Party - Hunting For Witches, but I also like stuff like Starstylers - Keep on Moving.
The first choice, definetely. Don't like catchy tunes at all, I feel embarrassed listening to them :/

The story doesn't have to neccessarily relate to me but I like it if the writer can create good imagery.
manoz said:
The first choice, definetely. Don't like catchy tunes at all, I feel embarrassed listening to them :/

The story doesn't have to neccessarily relate to me but I like it if the writer can create good imagery.

Yeah, I do sometimes feel embarrassed about some of the music on my iPod, I have a couple of Hilary Duff tracks on there. :o

Still like them though. :p
Fraggr said:
Yeah, I do sometimes feel embarrassed about some of the music on my iPod, I have a couple of Hilary Duff tracks on there. :o

Still like them though. :p

Haha, shame on you :p . I'm pretty sure the only catchy tune I have in my library is A-ha's Take On Me. Classic :D
both...sometimes I want to get lost to earthtone9 or similar...and sometimes I just want to stick something on and have a boogie.


Never liked My chemical Romance untill i heard the Black Parade LP.

The words are completly meaningless in most of the songs but they are sing-along-tastic.

I dont care who the band or artist is, if its "hey its got a good a beat" then I'm on it.
I'm more interested in the music than lyrics.
I'm that crap at lyrics that I have little pokemon cards attached to my mic stand when I'm gigging.
manoz said:
Don't like catchy tunes at all, I feel embarrassed listening to them :/

I just like what I like, I can't always explain why, if I like something catchy why on earth should I be embarrased? :confused:

My music taste ranges from Christina Aquilera to Napalm Death with plenty in between, I couldn't give a stuff what other people think about my taste.

I could probably enjoy a song with good music but crap lyrics more than the other way around.
Both, sometimes I like a good song that I can singalong to (point blank refuse to consider karaoke though, I know my limits) and other times I want to hear a song and know it means something greater than the sum total of the lyrics. Bob Dylan's Hurricane is a good example of a political song that you could also sing to or perhaps speak along to if you don't rate Mr Dylans singing. ;) :)
I tend to find the two groups arn't mutually exclusive. Radiohead songs are not catchy AND they have terrible lyrics.

You need both types in your life really.
Sweetloaf said:
I just like what I like, I can't always explain why, if I like something catchy why on earth should I be embarrased? :confused:

My music taste ranges from Christina Aquilera to Napalm Death with plenty in between, I couldn't give a stuff what other people think about my taste.

I could probably enjoy a song with good music but crap lyrics more than the other way around.

Maybe embarrased wasn't the best word to use but I have a dislike for songs with cheesy music/lyrics as a whole and usually catchy tunes are the worst culprits. Of course it's pretty hard to avoid catchy tunes so I choose to listen to stuff that's exceedingly good or stood the test of time. That said, I like pretty much all genres cept modern chart pop.

Jihad said:
I mainly listen to this band these days;

Can't understand German good, and a lot of that song is Russian, so yeah it's all about the music screw lyrics :D

Plus the Russian lady-singer in that video sounds so hawt.

I started to listen to international music recently, especially French, don't have a clue what most of them mean but I'm doing my best to find translations, at least then I can get some idea.
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Music for me. Ive always prefered a beat over some soppy lyrics.

Instrumentals for the winage
Nitefly said:
I tend to find the two groups arn't mutually exclusive. Radiohead songs are not catchy AND they have terrible lyrics.
I know a guy who'd cut you for saying that!!

for me, it's not about the lyrics or the catchy tunes for me (don't get me wrong, I have tAtu and Will Young on my iPod!), it's about the way music makes you feel. Some Kittie tracks make me want to punch someone (in a good way), and Joshua Bell plays some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard.

So, I guess they're both equally important and irrelevant. I don't think there's any way to identify good music, because it doesn't exist. I just try and listen to as much as I can so there's as much 'good' music in my life as I can get!
I'd like to amend my first post in this thread...

my FAVOURITE bands are those that do both.

as mentioned before, earthtone9...

if I want in-depth music, i'll listen to arc'tan'gent...if I want to stomp around, i'll throw grind and click on...


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