Whats more important to you?

Sic said:
I know a guy who'd cut you for saying that!!
Radiohead-Airbag said:
In the next world war
Jackknifed juggernaut, I am born again.
In the neon sign, scrolling up and down
I am born again

In an interstellar burst, I am back to save the universe
Radiohead-Nice Dream said:
I call up my friend the good angel
But she's out with, her answer-phone.
She says that she'd love to come help but
The sea would electrocute us all
nice dream, nice dream.
Radiohead-Kid A said:
I slipped away
I slipped on a little white lie

We've got heads on sticks
You've got ventriloquists (times 2)

Staring at the shadows at the edge of my bed (times 4)

Rats and children'll follow me out of town.
Rats and children follow me out of their homes.

come on kids
And the last one is the entire song. Their lyrics are AWFUL. I'm still a fan though.
Nitefly said:
And the last one is the entire song. Their lyrics are AWFUL. I'm still a fan though.

i didn't say I disagreed - just I know a guy who's obsessed!
In all cases I put the music before the lyrics but there is one band where the lyrics definitely come before the music - The wonderful Macc Lads.
It depends. Sometimes I can appreciate a good melody and can love a song for that but I do prefer songs with great lyrics.

In the end, it's interchangable for me. I'm a bit of a writer and I love to read and stuff, so I do appreciate well written lyrics. But some Weezer lyrics are pretty simple and a bit guff, but the melody is usually enough to make me like the song cause I think Rivers is a great pop song writer...
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