What's on your Ctrl+V?

The CTRL+V thread

Well, its 4.30am and I am bored, think we had a couple of these threads before and they were quite interesting.

So basically for those not familiar with the clipboard in Windows it will store the last bit of text etc you copied, so either right click "Paste" or CTRL+V to put it in a post.

Obviously no suspect links/bad language/personal information you are not happy with making public etc, common sense required :)

You can wrap it in CODE markup if it doesn't format correctly.

[URL="http://www.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=EX5+2BD&ie=UTF8&om=1"]EX5 2BD[/URL]
Mine appears quite boring, its the postcode and google maps link of Exeter Airport for a trip to the Scilly Ilses my family is planning for various landmark birthdays, was working out how long it would take me to drive there (3 hours :( )


Apparently :p I think that was from a chat with a belorussian girl on Facebook last night. Little bit odd, I might look in to it.
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A website I was working on which is still in the clip board for some reason - http://tomlynch.co.uk let me know what you think.
Hi ****

I am still waiting for a response from RIM. I chased them this morning and they were still analysing all the data that had been supplied. As soon as I have had a update I will be in touch.
Kind Regards

**** ****
AFSK differs from regular frequency-shift keying in performing the modulation at baseband frequencies. In radio applications, the AFSK-modulated signal normally is being used to modulate an RF carrier (using a conventional technique, such as AM or FM) for transmission.

No idea why that's on my clipboard.
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