What's on your Ctrl+V?

A denizen of a rotating frame, such as an astronaut in a rotating space station, very probably will find the interpretation of everyday life in terms of the Coriolis force accords more simply with intuition and experience than a cerebral reinterpretation of events from an inertial standpoint. For example, nausea due to an experienced push may be more instinctively explained by Coriolis force than by the law of inertia

Can anyone tell i'm revising?
prudissitude.......looking up a "word" from a tv show.
Was that from the Simpsons? I think Marge says it?

My CTRL+V...

set rsUser = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsUser.open SQL, cn, 3, 1
	if rsUser.eof then
		sTitle			= rsUser("Title")
		sFirstname		= rsUser("Firstname")
		sLastname		= rsUser("Lastname")
		sCompanyName	= rsUser("CompanyName")
		sAddress1		= rsUser("Address1")
		sAddress2		= rsUser("Address2")
		sAddress3		= rsUser("Address3")
		sAddress4		= rsUser("Address4")
		sAddress5		= rsUser("Address5")
		sPostcode		= rsUser("Postcode")
		sEmail			= rsUser("Email")
		sTelephone		= rsUser("Telephone")
		sLastAccessDate	= rsUser("LastAccessDate")
		sLastAccessIP	= rsUser("LastAccessIP")
		sStatus			= rsUser("Status")
	end if
set rsUser = nothing
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