Cerys Matthews
A denizen of a rotating frame, such as an astronaut in a rotating space station, very probably will find the interpretation of everyday life in terms of the Coriolis force accords more simply with intuition and experience than a cerebral reinterpretation of events from an inertial standpoint. For example, nausea due to an experienced push may be more instinctively explained by Coriolis force than by the law of inertia
A website I was working on which is still in the clip board for some reason - http://tomlynch.co.uk let me know what you think.
Was that from the Simpsons? I think Marge says it?prudissitude.......looking up a "word" from a tv show.
set rsUser = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsUser.open SQL, cn, 3, 1
if rsUser.eof then
sTitle = rsUser("Title")
sFirstname = rsUser("Firstname")
sLastname = rsUser("Lastname")
sCompanyName = rsUser("CompanyName")
sAddress1 = rsUser("Address1")
sAddress2 = rsUser("Address2")
sAddress3 = rsUser("Address3")
sAddress4 = rsUser("Address4")
sAddress5 = rsUser("Address5")
sPostcode = rsUser("Postcode")
sEmail = rsUser("Email")
sTelephone = rsUser("Telephone")
sLastAccessDate = rsUser("LastAccessDate")
sLastAccessIP = rsUser("LastAccessIP")
sStatus = rsUser("Status")
end if
set rsUser = nothing
CTRL+V is news to me. I'm a CTRL+INSERT / SHIFT+INSERT man.![]()