What's on your Ctrl+V?

/y {square}{square}{square}{square}{square} ME
/y {square}{moon}{square}{moon}{square}
/y {square}{square}{square}{square}{square} WANT
/y {square}{triangle}{triangle}{triangle}{square}
/y {square}{square}{square}{square}{square} COOKIE!

just being silly :)

Does it make me sad that i know what he's wrote?
Cold weather procedures are:

Cold weather procedures come into effect below 5 and above -5 degrees C.

The purpose of the procedures is to raise the temperature of the glass and car aperture above 5, to remove any condensation.

If the temp is below -5 NO WORK can be carried out, the vehicle MUST be moved into an area above 5 (i.e. the branch workshop)

Working times when using cold weather procedures are extended, due to the time needed to warm the car and glass.

Any question please contact Ext 1034.
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