Whats Santa bringing this year?

I have no idea what Santa is bringing me. He has been requesting that I get my order in early so he doesn't have to go shopping at the last minute :p.

I have no idea what I want. To be honest i'm just looking forward to getting of uni for Christmas and spending time with family.
Buying me this hopefully :D

I'm spending Christmas in New York this year. Mi mam said she was bored of being in England for Christmas so booked us a holiday to New York from the 23rd-28th December. I can't wait. Lots of things i can buy for cheeeeeeeappp!
I know santa exists because every year I have to leave out whiskey and malteasers and when I come back down in the morning they're all gone. You know santa would get on well with my dad because his favourite things our whiskey and malteasers too... :eek:

nothing, but who really cares. xmas isnt about gifts its about the religious aspects and getting together with friends and fam to sit down for a nice meal

well thats what it is for me
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