Whats The Best Thing You Have Won?

MaxPower said:
I won that as well :eek:

Im pretty unlucky and have never won anything of any consiquence.

But I have it now ;)

SB118 said:
You must have broken something of value to be creeping that bad

SHe might be browsing at home, just making sure I get a warm welcome when I get back from work. ;)
fatiain said:
(How's mrs V?)
;) ;)

Not happy. Long story - she has been lumbered with a load of stuff at work whilst most of he staff are on longterm sick. So she is 4 months pregnant and at work on a Sunday covering her staff members shifts.

Needless to say I am truly annoyed about the whole thing. However the building changes hands on Tuesday and she had better not be doing any more stupid hours after that. If she doesn't find a way to get rid of people who are mysteriously sick 45 Thursdays in one year (but OK on Friday) then I might have to put them out of my misery.
A Chase Durer Special Forces watch from Novalogic - for winning a poll to come up with the tagline for DF:LW. Go me! :D

Besides that i've won absolutely nada. :(
A big bottle of JD for getting "star letter" in a computer games mag a few years ago. However, the Post Office smashed it to bits - all I got was a very soggy, strong smelling, lump of cardboard :(
Oh, I came runner in naming a new piece of software for The Pixel Farm, got my name published in 3D World magazine......was meant to recieve a goodie bag but never did :(
ive only ever won one thing, and that was something i didnt even remember entering to win :confused: it was a playstation boxing game, and for some reason with it came some extra large boxers and an XXL tshirt and a playstation controller

i was about 12 at the time i think, the Tshirt made a very nice dress lol, it was actually quite nice to sleep in
Won a few things:

- Biggest ever chocolate easter egg made by Thorntons :cool: I was about 10 at the time and my Grandad entered it for me. It was massive, really thick and took about 2 or 3 weeks to eat.

- Intel D955Xbk motherboard and Intel Pentium D 820 2.8 Ghz dual core processor,

- Overnight stay in a health spa place worth about £250,

- Samsung V200 phone through T-Mobile and MSN,

That's it off the top of my head.
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