What's the Fascination with Ten Key Less?

I guess if you shelled out for a ten keyless keyboard it must be epic, however having bought a new Filco keyboard myself and given the amount of excel work I need to do having a numberpad is a must.

Different strokes for different folks, I would agree to differ as to which is better, to be honest. Biggest improvement for me was moving back to a UK keyboard having used a US keyboard layout for so long with my old Logitech G15.
I can see why people could want that setup for gaming if they use WASD or similiar.

Personally I'm an old school arrows player and couldn't do without.
I just fancy trying one, nothing more than that :-) there is something about where my logitech g15 sits in relation to my mouse that means even after years I still miss the w key if I move my hand and try to move it back without looking. It is probably more to do with the extra row of function keys than anything else but I thought why not give tkl a go.
I still have my Microsoft Office Keyboard (all black in colour) from nearly nine years ago now, wouldn't swap it for anything..


The numpads are great for adding in extra key configs, especially for sims..
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