What's the most childish food/meal that you still eat and enjoy?

Mash Potato Sandwich, even better with gravy.
Potato waffle and cheese Sandwich.
Farleys Rusks.
Pot noodle and chips.
Chocolate/swiss roll with carnation milk.
I used to demolish Farley's Rusks. Last time I tried them as an adult they were vile!

Bernard Matthews Cheese Hamwich. I used to have them as a kid and my kids used to have them too - i would always pop myself a couple in when they were having them :)
Chocoloate sponge pudding with custard.

Not particularly childish.

But it is when you mash it all up into a chocolate goo.

It's scientific though! It ensures you get the perfect ratio of ingredients in every mouthful.
I still like mashing up a couple packs of crisps in a bowl together and covering them in salt and vinegar. Odd habit I had as a kid.

Also when I had mash I liked carving out little channels in it and filling it with gravy and/or vinegar then pushing it all together to make a gooey mess.

Cheese Spread sandwiches with crisps in them are nice too.
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