What's the point of the mac mini in 2014?

1 Oct 2006
Went from a 2010 iMac to a 2011 Mini, which I then upgraded to 8GB and a 512GB SSD. For productivity it suits my needs, but would have been nice to upgrade to better graphics and more CPU poke with a 2014 model. However for that sort of money with limited upgrade potential they can do one.

Once this gets too long in the tooth I really can't see me buying another Mini unless they have a radical rethink about upgrades with future releases. Certainly won't be buying another iMac at that sort of money. Only other thing that would possibly fit is an old 2009-2011 Mac Pro, but that's power hungry and overkill but not enough to warrant losing the PC and using it for BootCamp gaming.

Glad the 2011 supports BT 4.0 for Handoff goodness, but it's only a matter of time before it's consigned to Apple's "defunct" hardware pile.
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