Sorry - Why can't you use Windows Remote Desktop?
Or there are other benefits?
The client wouldn't be very "thin" with Windows on it
Sorry - Why can't you use Windows Remote Desktop?
Or there are other benefits?
DSL is supposed to be pretty light.
Nah, what security?
I personalyl feel that there is enough Paranoia withotu worrying about the security of an older distro that lets be honest, its still like fort knox compared to windows.
Listen... On my main PC, I have no Antivirus, I have no anti spyware, I have absolutely no software for any protection except for the firewall. My router also has a seemingly good firewall too.
I download loads of stuff with uTorrent and I go to some awful sites that are probably illegal and watch some sick weird stuff.
I have not had any form of infection or anything in years!
The only thing I am careful about is what I open up in my EMails and I never click a thing unless I am 100% sure that I know what its for or from. Otherwise, its gone.
There is too much scare-tactics in this world when simple common sense is often a much better solution.
Sure, Im going to get hit one day, I have no doubt, but until then...
This ffs
The question to the answer you really want is "What is the smallest lightest distro I'd want to use?"