What's the worst drink you've ever had

A yard of everything at my 18th when I was at uni. It was a combination of beer, Guinness, lager, cider and a revolting array of spirits and liquers. Vile...
Waking up after a heavy nights drinking, reaching to the bedside table for some form of fluid to quench your thirst, blindly grasping until you feel a half finished beer tin from the night before only to take a huge swallow and find out you'd been using said tin for an ashtray.

This happened to me.. Except I took a swig of PVA glue :(
Beckerovka has got to be up there. Tastes like pine sol.

Otherwise, had some pretty bad dirty pints in my time. Can't drink sambucca any more either.
I once went to a bar and asked for the least popular legitimate drink/mixer/cocktail.

The barman handed me a Campari and orange. Never, EVER ask for a Campari and orange. It is the epitome of vileness.

Campari and orange juice is a wonderful summer drink.
Had too many numerous dirty pints/ concoctions to mention, but the drink that ruined me the worst was strawpedoing a bottle of red wine. Managed to keep it down but omfg.

Brother and Mother both LOVE campari. Always drinking it before sunday lunch.
Wheatgrass juice - this is the worst drink (small shot) I have used to have on some regular basis, once per week or so. I don't think many drinks will come close to how horrible wheatgrass juice is.
Fybogel. Was this "orange" flavoured powder stuff my doctor made me take back before they properly diagnosed my bowel condition as chrons disease. They were working under the assumption I had irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis at the time.

It is just god awful. The taste is vile and the horribly grainy texture made me feel ill. Having to drink it twice a day made an already miserable period of my life all the worse. It was a blessed relief when they finally swapped it out for a regimen of pills instead.
Triple shot of baileys and black sambucca... Was towards the end of the night too, didn't go down well.

As for soft drinks, Dandelion & Burdock. Horrible stuff.
cabbage schnapps, in austria
smells like a sewage plant, and taste like the smell.
never got pass my tongue, it was so bad i spued up before i could swallow.
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