Whats worked for you this winter in staying warm + keeping the bills down?

Combination of Air source heat pump, blanket on the sofa and an electric blanket to take the chill off when getting into bed.
Luckily I'm on a cheap deal until March 2024 so carrying on as normal (well cut down a bit anyway...)
1) We used some electric heaters, as it was more cost effective than the oil.
2) For heater oil, we joined an energy co-op so got about a dollar off per gallon.
2) Paid the bills as normal just at higher prices. (Also see post #2 from Diddums).
On a reasonably priced tariff until autumn, so cost of heating wasn't so bad for me. Also tend not to have it on that high anyway, wear a warm jacket while working from home etc.
we tend to put the heating on for 1, maybe two hours a day at most. Edit: although some days I don't bother at all.

I tend to put the heating (if I'm going to) on when the boiler would be on anyways, for example when we're showering / having a bath. I try to get a 2 for 1 whenever I can.

Apart from that I spend a lot of time in a dressing gown.
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Wearing an extra layer and having a blanket when at my desk working or when on the sofa, but if the flat's cold then the heating still goes on.
Insulated loft and used an electric blanket - that was surprisingly effective. Turned heating down to 16 (previously always 17.5) and off except for 2 hours from 4:30.
I work from home and one thing i really notice when I dont have the heating on is how cold my feet and fingers get. Do people wear gloves inside? :D
Lots of blankets.
Electric blanket.
Thicker jumpers.
Only heating downstairs when we’re home on the weekend.
Turning thermostat down upstairs and mostly heating it to 19-20 max. Usually sits around 15-18.
Can’t say I really notice the cold.
Dehumidifier to deal with damp/mould.

Certainly using more heating though now as our bills have still been small and we’re nearly done with winter, so less and less fussed.

I’m always too hot anyway and usually sleep with most of the duvet off barring a room temp of 13-14C or less.

Have used about a 1/3 of the energy used last winter and have actually made quite a lot of money on our holiday home thanks to the government :p

My gym is the coldest place, but have just stuck a hoodie on and just warm it up for the first few minutes or so. I’m good with 5C max in there.
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Electric blanket while on the sofa, cost pennies to run, i have my pc running all day which heats the room quite nicely, we also have the heating on very low just to take the edge off but i managed to lock us in for 3 years before the electric went crazy so already saved 1000's on the bill.
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