Palliative care doctor
I look after those with a palliative condition, and we consider ourselves 'specialists' at symptom control.
It's not all doom and gloom. In fact, it's the loveliest and happiest place I've ever worked.
About half the patients we have go home with their pain, nausea, agitation etc much more controlled (albeit with a life limiting condition).
The other half die in our care. But the vast vast majority have a lovely, calm death completely free of pain, panic or suffering. And we are afforded the time and staffing levels to really make a difference with families. We spend time with them, we help them accept what's coming and then help them grieve after.
I feel I truly make a difference. I can think of few things I'd rather do, and be privileged to do, than help some achieve a dignified and peaceful death.
Always more snacks than you can eat
Pay is OK
Pay would be better in other areas
Sometimes it's impossible to not take work home with you, especially if someone young/someone you've looked after for months dies