What’s your meeting room buffer?

love these sorts of threads - op posts expecting everyone to applaud him for his actions but when they don't, instead of accepting they are in the wrong they'll spent an eternity replying with 'yea but' :cry:
Oh it's fine really. I've been here long enough to recognise a "holier than thou" bandwagon response forming. Everyone replying here like they've never ever been late to a meeting, or overran ever. It makes me chuckle :)
Oh it's fine really. I've been here long enough to recognise a "holier than thou" bandwagon response forming. Everyone replying here like they've never ever been late to a meeting, or overran ever. It makes me chuckle :)
no one is making the claim they've never ran over in a meeting. but you keep on 'yea butting'
I'm going against the flow here, yes the op ran over and yes that is pretty rude but I wouldn't dream of barging into a meeting room I had booked for a 2 minute over run, tap on the glass and mouth "move it ****" usually works for me but I guess I'm just too polite for my own good.

Seriously though I can see why both parties would be annoyed but sometimes folk just need to chill a bit....unless you making him late by 2 mins lost the company a huge order.

I guess I'm lucky in a way that I've been with the same company most of my life, I kind of know everyone and most are OK, it's not the type of company where someone would die if a meeting ran over so it's not end of the world stuff although I do get why for some it can often feel like it is.
See this is what happens. First they expect you to take only one lunch at a reasonable time to stop you going swimming at 3pm, and because you let them dominate you like that, now they think they can expect you to keep to the allocated time that you’ve booked meeting rooms for! Outrageous, I knew this would happen.
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Oh it's fine really. I've been here long enough to recognise a "holier than thou" bandwagon response forming. Everyone replying here like they've never ever been late to a meeting, or overran ever. It makes me chuckle :)

You are in the wrong though.

At least we know we’re in the wrong when our meetings overrun!
If a meeting was overrunning and I was waiting, I’d probably ping whoever it was I due to meet and say ‘just waiting for the room to clear, soz to keep you waiting’ or whatever. It’s rarely a problem.

Barging in time would be about 3-5 minutes after I’ve let my presence known to the ‘room hogs’ (as I’d find it a bit rude if they were still there after that time).

I’d also immediately end the call if someone was knocking on the door and I was over time.

Ideally a bit of consideration + ‘flex and bend’ is needed from everyone, but occasionally other people don’t have the same approaches and there will be clashes. That’s life.
Why did you need a meeting room if it was just you? That is what headphones are for.

My company initiated a policy of scheduling meetings to end 5 minutes before the end of the block i.e. 25 past or 55 past. We don't do it as much but it does train staff into the idea that wrapping up happens about 5 minutes early but meetings START on time. External guests on the phone aren't privy to local delays faffing with the HDMI cable.

That said, my junior did today come and tap me on the shoulder and say they were all waiting for me. 5 minutes they waited while I was in my own world running some tests :o
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