What's your theory on why does Call Of Duty and Counter Strike are kings in FPS category ?

9 Jul 2015
Inside Your Computer
My theory on this is that because they have developed this games which was a big hit back in early years and gained a lot of players and respect a long the way since then, it makes sense, tho the COD is the worst FPS I would say, the repetitive gameplay and most of the time simply copy & past and that's why every year we have useless COD game. There are many F2P FPS's which could compete with COD but because COD is so popular it's still gets a lot of players all around the world even tho this game doesn't deserve it.
CS GO has it's issues but is in a different league to COD.

CS GO works because the community is huge, it's cheap, pc requirements are low, game is well balanced, skill ceiling is high, mod friendly Etc. etc.

I don't know about COD since COD4 on PC, but isn't it a console game primarily? I wouldn't think it's in top 5 FPS on PC
Can't think of any other FPS console game that could challenge COD (and I'm no fanboy, believe you me). Destiny I suppose, but it's more arena-like AFAIK, and it's not quite as fleshed out. At least they wanna be the next-gen multiplayer FPS game, so who knows in a couple of years.

Maybe the new Halo will redress the balance.

On PC, I don't think COD is that popular, at least not as much as CS:GO, which gets more popular with each pro tournaments, same as DOTA.

Overwatch might be interesting too later on. Don't think it will be as huge as the others, unless Blizzard gets really cunning, like Valve and makes it really super accessible.
Older COD games (upto 4) were fun and rewarding to play (effort in, fun out) later ones maintained popularity due to turning up the instant reward factor - the game would reward you just for participating :(

There is another aspect though - COD built on top of the idtech3 engine strengths - very fluid and natural to play - its hard to compete with that when a lot of the alternatives feel clunky and awkward to play in comparison. Likewise CS was built off a branch of an earlier id engine and still retains many of the charms - I know not everyone likes it but for most people it feels a lot more seamless to play on games properly utilising the strengths of those engines compared to many competing engines that just don't have the same low level fluidity and precision.
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They just hit the sweetspot at the right time and got lucky is 80% of it maybe not so much for CS.

There were others that have fell by the wayside, RTCW, ET, Quake, Moha, UT that was very very popular.
They are popular because they appeal to the casual crowd, especially cod. Counterstrike used to be the easy casual game in the era of quake and UT, now it's looking skilful compared to the likes of cod and battlefield. Now that online gaming is so easily accessible you can't just appeal to the niche crowds, you need to capture the casual.
My theory on this is that because they have developed this games which was a big hit back in early years and gained a lot of players and respect a long the way since then, it makes sense, tho the COD is the worst FPS I would say, the repetitive gameplay and most of the time simply copy & past and that's why every year we have useless COD game. There are many F2P FPS's which could compete with COD but because COD is so popular it's still gets a lot of players all around the world even tho this game doesn't deserve it.

Marketing draws in the kids, lack of will power draws in those who complain every year hence why COD remains on the top. Add in OMG ZOMBIESSSSHHHTTSH then you get a smash hit every year
Marketing draws in the kids, lack of will power draws in those who complain every year hence why COD remains on the top. Add in OMG ZOMBIESSSSHHHTTSH then you get a smash hit every year

I personally started with COD when I received an XBOX 360 like year or two back and till to Black Ops II was somehow fun after it I just got really really bored of repetitiveness, crappy zoombies and soo much copy & paste. I just don't know how people can still buy the same game over and over again, oh well kids will never learn.
CS is the king ... no other multiplayer shooter comes close in my opinion, ive been playing since 1.6 and still love it , its basic but very very unforgiving and requires actual skill to play you cant just run and gun like you can on cod, having said that mw2 was one of the best shooters for multiplayer but in my eyes you just cant beat cs, it probably has something to do with how amazing the half life games are as all it was originally is a mod off that with the same mechanics etc just a competitive multiplayer. Also the rounds and having to buy your weapons, and the fact theres no respawn so you actually have to think about what you do (unless you like waiting for the next round). Teamwork is also a big factor, in mixes and competitive, don't think ive seen another shooter that requires and actually forces as much teamwork as cs, you actually have to help each other out, were as in other shooters such as cod you can just play for yourself. that's just my opinion though :)
COD was brilliant (remember COD4: Advanced Warfare - note to self: replay it in single player) and even the poor ones had at least one or two great missions. Plus by the time it got too-samey it was already a household name so most casual gamers knew its name, even my girlfriend (who I still have not gotten into gaming . . . yet!) knows its name, so even when I don't buy it someone buys it for me at Christmas. My sister bought it for me one year. It's the go-to pressie for girls in my life.

CS was always simply brilliant. Not perfect, limited in parts, but still tightly brilliant.
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CS is popular because it's been around for a long time and is established, people also don't like change as much as they think they do (same with mmos). It also helps that it has very low hardware requirements so opens itself up to a huge player base.

It's very basic, very simple. It does one thing right though, one thing that usually makes a game successful it's easy to play but hard to master, the skill level is extremely high at the top.

COD is popular because it's a quick, all action run and gun. It's not to everyones taste and it's certainly gotten worse over the years but it's another recipe that in general works. For me it's always been a game where you can log on selfishly not care about your team as you run around ainlessly for two rounds then log off.
My theory on this is that because they have developed this games which was a big hit back in early years and gained a lot of players and respect a long the way since then, it makes sense, tho the COD is the worst FPS I would say, the repetitive gameplay and most of the time simply copy & past and that's why every year we have useless COD game. There are many F2P FPS's which could compete with COD but because COD is so popular it's still gets a lot of players all around the world even tho this game doesn't deserve it.

Activision very wisely made the decision to sacrifice resolution and textures for a solid v-sync'd 60 FPS on the consoles with COD. For console gamers, i.e. 80% of all gamers, there was no more fluid FPS shooter around than COD. All it's competitors, including the Battlefield series, ran at 30 fps, with screen tearing, and felt like crap to play on console in comparison with COD games. In my view, the fluid feel of COD on the consoles has a lot to do with the titles meteoric success. As has already been pointed out, COD is not so popular on PC, where 60 FPS has been statutory for online FPS games for years.

As for CS:GO. No other FPS does the pure mechanics of a twitch online shooter as well as Counter Strike does. I have only recently gotten into CS:GO, and BF4 feels like noobified diluted mush in comparison with the silky smooth mechanics of CS:GO. Also CS games can be ran on any old toaster. Basically anyone with any kind of reasonable PC or laptop setup can play......so a situation a bit similar to the hugely successful Football Manager series......everyone can install the game and play without any headaches "it says here I need a new graphics card!? Whats that?, Where can I download one?"
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On PC cod isn't very highly thought of.

MOHAA and COD upto COD4 were great games. How I really hate Activision for what they have turned it in to. :(

They killed the modders and the community on the day they released MW2 a big up yours we are taking the cash. Nice. :mad:
the first modern warefare game was fantastic, est single player shooter ive played in a long time.

it seemed to hit at a time there wasnt really a decent FPS in the "current" day and so shot up in popularity then everything was copying it
COD is for people with little skill and awful attitudes, the reason it's so popular is because it seems to reward both things. CS GO is a little more skilful and has a slightly better community, but still isn't much, they'll never come close to twitch FPS like Quake, but people don't want to be reminded how bad they are so they opt for the easier games. Both of them, even CSGO, come down to ego I think. COD players are bad and love the game because it makes them feel like they are good and CSGO is for the less bad that can feel a little better than the COD players cus 'lol cod is fer nubz'.

I'd like to see either of their pro scenes try and make something of themselves on Quake Live, they'd do well but they'd never even come close to top level players. That being the ones who take pride in playing the games they play, obviously there are some very skilled players who go where the money is but the ones who do it for the pride of being the best at something, would gravitate towards twitch FPS games, but they can't.
simply put, it's the first to really persuade the masses into that type of gameplay.

cod might be a horrible game, basic and repetitive, but it's not about the game, it's the people who play it and having fun with mates [even if they're just online mates] on a level playing field is what its all about.

take goldeneye, the multiplayer on it was half baked, didn't stop it being fondly remembered by many as one of the most fun multiplayer experiences they've had.

tl:dr, it's not the game it's the people, the game that's famous is just the one that got in there first.
COD is for people with little skill and awful attitudes, the reason it's so popular is because it seems to reward both things. CS GO is a little more skilful and has a slightly better community, but still isn't much, they'll never come close to twitch FPS like Quake, but people don't want to be reminded how bad they are so they opt for the easier games. Both of them, even CSGO, come down to ego I think. COD players are bad and love the game because it makes them feel like they are good and CSGO is for the less bad that can feel a little better than the COD players cus 'lol cod is fer nubz'.

I'd like to see either of their pro scenes try and make something of themselves on Quake Live, they'd do well but they'd never even come close to top level players. That being the ones who take pride in playing the games they play, obviously there are some very skilled players who go where the money is but the ones who do it for the pride of being the best at something, would gravitate towards twitch FPS games, but they can't.

There's some truth in that. I was always a QuakeII / Quake 3 Arena player and the skill level was ridiculous. Even back when I had time to play for hours every night I wasn't even close to being considered "good"! After life stuff came along, I didn't have time anymore and switched to CoD as it was great to throw on for an hour or two and have a blast. The game physics/mechanics are a good leveler. Of course there are very good CoD players, but generally it's a lot more of an even playing field.

So many CS/CoD players have tried Quake Live, assumed everybody is cheating because the accuracy and prediction of good players is unreal, and never tried again. Of course, they are very different games too. Maybe people prefer the team oriented approach of CS/CoD over Quake's individual (or very basic teamwork) approach. I think there's always been room for both.
COD is for people with little skill and awful attitudes, the reason it's so popular is because it seems to reward both things. CS GO is a little more skilful and has a slightly better community, but still isn't much, they'll never come close to twitch FPS like Quake, but people don't want to be reminded how bad they are so they opt for the easier games. Both of them, even CSGO, come down to ego I think. COD players are bad and love the game because it makes them feel like they are good and CSGO is for the less bad that can feel a little better than the COD players cus 'lol cod is fer nubz'.

Made me laugh a bit though - at the peak of my COD playing I was also ranked #4 on Quake Live's stats in beta. To be frank though these days I don't stand a chance at stuff like managing the stack and the complexity of the meta some of the top players bring to the game in QL even though I'd beast many of them for aim and reaction times (even though age has taken its toll on those) - not that I'm especially amazing at those either but I was reasonably good back in the day.

http://i.imgur.com/x2oSd5H.jpg as I posted in another thread an average day in COD for me - not really that hard with the average standard of player though.

Love it or hate it though COD can be incredibly rewarding when you've got your head around optimising your loadout, understand how to best use care packages and other kill streak rewards both for chaining them and tactical counter use to deny the enemy, perks, etc. a lot of people give the game stick because they tried it, got killed by someones airstrike or turret, etc. and couldn't be bothered to learn how to counter that.
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