What's your theory on why does Call Of Duty and Counter Strike are kings in FPS category ?

Other guys have said this already, CS is simple to play but takes skill to master. It's not just simple to play but quick as well. You can just login, play for 10 minutes, go away do something else, then go back and play for another 30 minutes.

For me no other game has come close to that complexity mixed in with such simple controls. Every other game from COD to battlefield has felt terrible to play after playing CS. Noobified diluted mush was the term somebody else used :) That's what every other FPS game feels like now.

When I first started playing counter strike I was getting killed a lot. Even though I was good at unreal tournament and Quake. Whereas with any of the other games I have tried, like battlefield etc, I have had no trouble surviving, holding my own. But if I stop playing CS for a month and start to play again, I get killed quite easily until I get in a couple of days play to get my game back up to speed.

I guess what I am trying to say is CS feels more real.
That is one of the things I didn't like about CS - to play at a good level and remain at a good level took far more ongoing practise than about any other FPS game and while trying to split my time between quake, COD, DOD, enemy territory as well I just couldn't dedicate enough to it to hang with the good players :S
Nothing in recent years has come close to CS 1.6 / q3 and some degree cod mw, it's depressing really if your interested in a nice competitive shooter
Cs was easy to get into, loads of people play it and if you liked it then you could find yourself a clan and be part of something. Build tactics, the maps were clever with the A long, B short etc routes. It lead to fairly easy to understand and get into team matches on private servers. I'd not played anything like that before it.

Cod I've never really got on with.
You'll find though a lot of the players who loved the old cods upto mw2 have stopped playing and been replaced by pre teens who must have it hence the games getting dumbed down even more and the new one is going to 'reward' you for just taking a step without actually doing anything.
Put simply, CoD is a casual pick up and play game for the masses. For people who don't mind the flaws or don't notice them, it is fun I suppose. Personally it winds me right up though because it could be improved to the nth degree and would be a world class run and gun shooter. As it stands, it is pretty much garbage.

I find the attitudes of many players across the board to be quite poor and elitist, both on PC titles and console. Immature is the word that springs to mind and that just seems to be indicative of a younger gaming population in many instances.

I personally have always been a Quake fan and it is impressive how the skill meta has moved forwards in the current crop of pro players. Insane skill and hours upon hours worth of practice. I used to play with a German fella who played for 8hrs a day 7 days a week. If you have the base talent and put in that time you are going to get good.

CS is popular because it is easy to pick up and play, it runs well on older systems, the netcode and general gameplay elements have been ironed out over the years and it also has room to develop and rewards practice and skill.

I quite like CSGO, but I only play it very casually as a lone wolf. Tried getting into it a while ago but just found the community to be a bit obtuse and elitist. It is also rife with hackers.

I then found Tribes Ascend - and that is a real skill based shooter. Played in 7v7 CTF house leagues, got reasonably good at it. Like other titles it rewards skill and practice, and you need both in abundance to be properly good at it. It also has far fewer hacks because of the gameplay (IE mostly outdoors + base radars that can be upgraded to show enemy locations), and projectile weapons some of which utilise inheritance. Sadly the developers abandoned it before it was properly fully balanced and completed as a game, so it has flaws but back when it was popular it was my go to game. Unfortunately they have wound down the bandwidth on servers so they are all a bit laggy and the player base has dropped right off now too. Such a shame because in all honesty I think it is one of the best skill based shooters I have ever played. It has so much depth, so many tactics and classes to master. So many weapons and loadouts to master.

I think my heart will always be in Q3, but Tribes comes a close 2nd.

The problem with modern online FPS shooters is the tendency of devs to keep lowering the skill ceiling and making players feel good "cuz ahievements innit bruv" rather than rewarding actual skill. I have said for a long time, the dawn of mass casual gaming due to the explosion in console use has completely killed off skill based FPS games. CS and QL are like the last bastions of a golden era.

Some may call it progress, but I can't help lament the loss.
Big budgets, polished games, massive marketing campaigns....pretty straightforward really.

Only FPS I played competitively was Adrenaline Gamer (proper man's game ;P)...that was still going not long ago (might even still be a league around).

Nowadays Trials Of Osiris in Destiny is my competitive FPS fix, love it :)

I then found Tribes Ascend - and that is a real skill based shooter. Played in 7v7 CTF house leagues, got reasonably good at it. Like other titles it rewards skill and practice, and you need both in abundance to be properly good at it. It also has far fewer hacks because of the gameplay (IE mostly outdoors + base radars that can be upgraded to show enemy locations), and projectile weapons some of which utilise inheritance. Sadly the developers abandoned it before it was properly fully balanced and completed as a game, so it has flaws but back when it was popular it was my go to game. Unfortunately they have wound down the bandwidth on servers so they are all a bit laggy and the player base has dropped right off now too. Such a shame because in all honesty I think it is one of the best skill based shooters I have ever played. It has so much depth, so many tactics and classes to master. So many weapons and loadouts to master.



You avaliable for a few maps tonight?
Because slower pc's can run it and kids play these games on laptops.

It's nowhere near as skilled as old cs though no matter how much this generation would disagree.

I also don't agree that cod and cs are the pinnacle, pinnacle to console kiddies who just got a pc maybe.
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Because contrary to popular belief, CoD is actually a good game that perfectly balances arcadey and sim FPS (leans more towards arcadey but it still nowhere near close to unreal etc) into a pick up and play game that you can easily jump in to for a game or two, not to mention usually comes with a decent length single player campaign.
Doom 1 was the best and it came with a map editor, my map was so good with flickering lighting and moving walls. Modern fps dont even have exploding barrels anymore.

Only one I will mention is Bad Company 1 because it had terrain deformation which is something promised for 20 years. Random elements to the battlefield like that is great, Im still dreaming of heavily weather influenced battlefields dynamic gameplay
CS had rain for a very brief time but cs is king because of its chess like framework or if prefer scissors rock paper influence on what would be simple shoot-em-up. So the players make games unique, its unscripted
the same reason why football, baseball and tennis are still king. They were the first to do a good job at what they are meant to do.

You try and invent a new "kick a ball about" sport. No one will give 2 hoots about it, because everyone else in the world plays real football. A following or fan base is a very powerful thing.
MohAA is still king imo. Never liked cod or bf or cs that much. As they never did a good story like them games AND a decent mp game. Plus none i think ever did freeze tag modes like mohaa did.
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