What's your weekly flutter?

Other than the odd person who ends up and addict and gets in all sorts of problems, and let's face it they are very much the minority, I have absolutely nothing against gambling.

I don't personally don't anymore, not because I had any sort of issue but I literally never won anything so decided it was pointless.

1) Woo-hoo!
2) Ignore all the PMs you’re going to get :)
3) Have fun.
Gotta be in it to win it as they say. From Premium Bonds to the weekly lucky dip line... One day :D

I used to play fruit machines years ago. Lost a lot of money... sure I had a few jackpot wins, but overall I made a loss.

The system is rigged against you. Gambling is a mug's game.
My old boss won a £1 million on the Lotto several years ago. This is far superior to that as it's a huge wage effectively and means you can relax and spend within reason all the time. Madness if you won £5million at once I'd be dead in a week.
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My old boss won a £1 million on the Lotto several years ago. This is far superior to that as it's a huge wage effectively and means you can relax and spend within reason all the time. Madness if you won £5million at once I'd be dead in a week.

Yeah I think that winning 5m+ could risk ruining my life.

I’d have work really hard to be sensible with it and not buy a 4090 or something :p
My dad won the lotto as part of his work syndicate. They also split it with other winners.

I think their syndicates split was £130k between 10 people. Got £13k, this was around 1993.

I think that's all the luck in my family gone for a few generations :P
No the thing is its only 30 years and if you are young I am not sure I would quit my job yet. I would invest most of the extra money coming in, max out my pension contributions (and previous years) etc.

Maybe some BTL properties?

At me age (53) I would be quitting my job though :)
I hope @LeeUK isn't pulling out legs cos when I 'check my numbers' and input the winning numbers it shows the same cropped image that I've won as well. Not bad for only one winner on Monday ;) :p

Yeah, I can produce that exact same screen using that method. Hopefully, that's just the way he checked his :)
I hope @LeeUK isn't pulling out legs cos when I 'check my numbers' and input the winning numbers it shows the same cropped image that I've won as well. Not bad for only one winner on Monday ;) :p

LOL true, his photo is utterly pointless as evidence of anything, no better than just stating he's won. If he wanted to add some evidence then a photo/screenshot of the winning ticket (on the website or paper ticket) would at least be something.

If he has won then congrats of course, that game does seem quite good for the average lottery winner, IIRC most lottery winners don't do so well with a big jackpot but if you've got a steady income like that then you probably lessen a fair few problems.

For a start, you're not likely to blow it + if you do tell people then you have an easy excuse to dismiss people looking for lump sum handouts...

"ah no can't do I'm afraid, just paid off the credit cards this month and have a deposit to put down on a new car next month, they've only given me 10k so far and that's been spent already"
How do you fake it? Honestly I won. I had a lengthy phone call this morning with the regional claims adviser and I've got an appointment booked next week to sign the paperwork for the annuity.
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