Wheel Alignment - ATS or Independent with Hunter system?



6 Mar 2008
Hi all,

I'm getting 4 new boots fitted and an MOT at ATS today. As far as I'm aware they don't have Hunter Alignment systems so is it worth taking my car to get this done elsewhere in Leicester at a place that does have them?

Infact, would you trust ATS to fit new tyres, I'm a bit OCD about my alloys and am getting a bit apprehensive now. I'm wondering if it's better to just pick the tyres up from them (as they've been delivered there via black circles) and take them to a proper tyre shop.
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Try ETS who appear to be just up the road from ATS. No idea if the Leicester one has the Hunter Alignment system but the one near me (Derby) does and they seemed pretty helpful guys explaining all the results etc.
Even a hunter system can get it wrong. (the people)

Kwickfit here is a luck of the draw thing. They seem to find it impossible to get the steering wheel straight. and in the end blame it on their fact "all cars have it off slightly m8"

gave up in the end.

I plan to take it somewhere more reputable and pay the extra after fitting new alloys.
I've taken my Fiesta ST to two different places since I've had it, both with hunter machines and both gave different results. One of them was way off, the other was perfect :/
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ATS in Swindon did a spectacularly poor job of fitting a replacement exhaust for me a few years ago. Not secured properly, rattling and banging - took it back twice and they didn't put it right. Wouldn't touch them again with a bargepole... Different car now, but I find the main dealer (Vauxhall) is actually quite competitive when it comes to consumables like tyres and exhaust and (touch wood), "We've noticed your brake discs are getting a bit worn, Sir", sales try-on never appears either.
Don't really trust ATS myself due to an issue I've had a year or so ago.

Went to get my air con recharged (was cool, but not cold, and 10 years old) at ATS as they had an offer on for £20 (or around there) for a recharge & anti-bacterial clean.
I was happy initially, started blowing nicely cold air again for the next month or so, then the air compressor conked out. After some investigation, it turned out they had overcharged my system by ~50%. Thankfully after a bit of arguing backwards & forwards, they agreed to replace the compressor. It then worked great again & I sold the car ~8 months later, but it made me question the capability of they guys there, as all they had to do was connect the machine, input the amount of coolant etc required (which they looked up on their system), then let it finish.
You say that, but half the time when I get cars back from a garage they have put the wrong PSI in the tyres. Obviously we aren't dealing with geniuses :/
Doesn't matter if it's Hunter or something else. It's all down to bloke doing the adjustments. I've had alignment done with both Hunter and Mastertech. Both systems got to within manufacturer spec without issue.

I get mine done now at Protyre, they use Mastertech equipment.
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The person is much MUCH more important than the machine. A talented expert can do more with string than a useless oik with latest tech. I've seen so many outputs of these 'set ups' which are garbage it's often wasted money. Find someone talented, pay a bit more, get it done right.
Interesting. Can anyone recommend good alignment 'technicians' in Leicestershire or as close to then?
The person is much MUCH more important than the machine. A talented expert can do more with string than a useless oik with latest tech. I've seen so many outputs of these 'set ups' which are garbage it's often wasted money. Find someone talented, pay a bit more, get it done right.

This is a very good point. I use a garage in Reading that has a hunter setup. Their wheel/alignment and suspension specialists. I'd not trust anyone else.
09' Ford S-Max 2.0 18" Alloys.

Give them a call, they do tend to focus on more exotic stuff but do plenty of hot hatches etc. I paid 200 quid for the MX5, but he worked on it pretty much all day so value and transformed the steering feel. However I would think it would be somewhat wasted on a car of that value and age as it's likely you have tired dampers etc all of which will impact the ability to impact much.
Had my wheel alignment done at ATS at the weekend and it's exactly the same afterwards as it was before - veering to the left when the steering wheel is dead centre. Had it done at an indie garage last year and they were the same.

I think these places just CBA to make sure the steering wheel is dead centre before they make the adjustments.
Not being funny but I thought it was common practice for a car to lead ever so slightly to the left? Also nice necro.
Not being funny but I thought it was common practice for a car to lead ever so slightly to the left? Also nice necro.

It's my understanding that a car should track exactly straight on a level surface and it's the crown in most roads that make the car veer off to the left.

Anyhow, I can't emphasise enough how much difference an alignment specialist can make to the handling of a car. They don't just follow the machine to get the numbers out of the red and into the green, they'll have a chat and set the car up to exactly suit your use.
It will track straight if the alignment has been done properly. They should compensate for the camber in the road.

They should also put weights on the driver's seat to simulate a person sitting in it, but most places don't. The only place I take my Elise to is a local Morgan dealer, because they are the only ones I've used which do it thoroughly enough. But it does cost more.
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