wheel, pedals and chair

Thanks guys.

So get the Logitech driving force GT and 'Stand for Logitech wheels = £ 89 with shipment.' from that site?

Is that £89 the full price? Youdont have to pay any fee's when it arrives do you?

Well bought the Logitech Driving Force GT this morning with F1 2010 which both came up to £114.99 from the place you pay and wait 5 minute for order to come. Also Bought a copy of GRID from the auction site, finished it on pc but would like to try it on ps3 with wheel.

Tried having a go before i had to get off to work and its not playable with out a stand (sat on sofa with wheel on knee's and peddles on floor)

Just this second ordered the stand. So looking forward to that arriving, just hope i have ordered right one lol

^cheers for that spawn
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