I also understand there are limited orders available for the good deals, so you need to quick and/or lucky to secure those.How does the NHS SS work, is there an enormous deposit to pay, £183 seems incredibly cheap for a LR.
I also understand there are limited orders available for the good deals, so you need to quick and/or lucky to secure those.How does the NHS SS work, is there an enormous deposit to pay, £183 seems incredibly cheap for a LR.
I also understand there are limited orders available for the good deals, so you need to quick and/or lucky to secure those.
I'm guessing the person in question is at the top end of a the higher tax rate bracket, so that it off sets tax and pension contribution/penalties.
Had looked into for the wife but simply couldn't justify the hit to the pension. I think for a £50 pension reduction per month equated to £600 pa lost in pension (based in 3 year lease), so let's say 9.5k if you make it to ripe old age of 82. It's probably OK for 1 or 2 one off leases but long term simply not worth it
@GinG as @b0rn2sk8 has said the NHS is based on career average earnings; dont forget whilst the scheme reduces the amount you pay into the NHS pot, you're also losing the employer contribution. But yes depending on salary and the vehicle you get it adds up fairly quickly if you get sucked into the scheme long term; we were close to pushing the button as there are some fantastic deals to be had on EVs with the BIK.
There is the argument to be had for live for the moment as who knows how long you have on this planet but if you live 15 years after pension retirement age those 7 cars could have cost you in the region of £60k **ouch**
I think its certainly worthwhile considering short term but good to know what your signing up for; the employer wasn't very forthcoming with the financial impact. This is what I noted on how to calculate
Take the gross salary sacrifice figure per month (top line on the quote), x12 for yearly cost. Divide by 54 and its the annual reduction in pension per year of the lease. Then don't forget to add the guaranteed 1.5% above inflation growth; so x the figure by roughly 1.45
Thank you both.
Not too bothered on the short term but will deffinately look into it a bit more longer term, although based on your calculations the total gross cost per year is £5760 / 54 = £106.
Sort term isn't too bad but then I guess over a 20 year period reduces pension by around £2k per year so retire at 55 and die at 85 is 30 years of taking 2k less add in the increases will be around £80k.
I mean in that time frame you could lose similar amounts on car depreciation so I guess swings and roundabouts?
Yeah by all means I'm no financial advisor so worth looking into it properly long term! And yes depreciation you need to look at too but don't forget similar lease details albeit minus maintenance and insurance can be had for around 300 on the id3
I think it is very much swings and roundabouts to be honest.
I'm very much happy to live in the moment, with my wife working in end of life care and myself in the emergency services you see how lives can just change in a blink of an eye.
We could die tomorrow... Although I wouldn't have the car atleast I know what it could have been... If I live till I'm 85 I'll be cursing us getting the damn car!
Yeah exactly, I've not got too dissimilar mindset! Enjoy the car, they've had a few teething issues but look great overall. I really want the id4 but may wait 2/3 years for some to hit the second hand market
An interesting video on Lucid Motors.
I posted about a month ago how it appeared they were over promising. This guy really calls them out and it doesn’t look good for perspective buyers and investors.
An interesting video on Lucid Motors.
I posted about a month ago how it appeared they were over promising. This guy really calls them out and it doesn’t look good for perspective buyers and investors.
I'd love to see that sort of thing become the go-to city transport but I seriously doubt it will happen in the Western world. Partly because of the "Why spend £3.5k on a car when I can use a chunk of that as a deposit and scrape together the montlies on something better" mindset.I doubt all these EV companies will survive. Lucid I do find a little odd for some reason.
Need these to hit our streets ($4500 EV city car) https://www.techradar.com/news/this-super-cheap-electric-car-is-outselling-tesla-but-you-cant-buy-it
Mercedes-Benz EQA (2021)