When did Ubuntu turn into adware?

18 Aug 2007
I've not used *nix for about a year due to moving house, no net, and having to rely on one machine (a MacBook Pro). I just grabbed Ubuntu 12.10 x64 for a play and was shocked to see that, on every dashboard search, I get ad results from Amazon for various products (mostly DVDs it seems) related to the words I enter.

For example hitting the super key and typing 'terminal' gives me, after the actual terminal app, The Terminal with Tom Hanks as a suggestion to buy. :eek:

Are they serious? When did Ubuntu sell out to become adware? I've always preferred Fedora and Debian to be fair, but jeez I never expected this. Monetized to the hilt I guess. I was expecting to see threads about it but maybe I'm missing something? Any ideas?
Are they serious? When did Ubuntu sell out to become adware? I've always preferred Fedora and Debian to be fair, but jeez I never expected this. Monetized to the hilt I guess. I was expecting to see threads about it but maybe I'm missing something? Any ideas?
You can get rid of it entirely with "sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping".

It did cause one or two raised eyebrows when it was introduced, and Shuttleworth's arrogant response: "Erm, we have root. You do trust us with your data already" wasn't well received either. :D
Basically they aren't going to get the revenues that Red Hat get from selling support to firms because they're aimed at the consumer, and the consumer won't pay. So they're going down this route because they're haemorrhaging money.
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