When do we think 65" OLED's will drop in price?

Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Since wall mounting my 55EC930V it's become apparent that I need (read want) a larger screen. After being treated with OLED since February and having had no issues or regrets, it's my only upgrade path. However prices are pretty high at the minute, especially for the mid to high range models (£8k for the Panny!).

Based upon previous flagship models at similar price, how long till they come below £3k? Another 12 months, or longer?
Ha this is what I want too, but in a similar predicament. I don't want to spend over 3k on a TV, but my LG 60" Plasma is starting to ghost on dark blacks in places, so I know it's coming.
it's about 4000 quid on ebay, so to drop to 3000 will take roughly another year, by then you'll have the 65'' Panny OLED but that'll still be too expensive i think.
I reckon 6-9 months. You should be able to find the 65" LG flat OLED panel one for that when there is a sale on or the new models are released next year (buying the current model).
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They will be cheap enough when 8K screens start to hit the market. Early adopters will be ripped off as per usual. :mad: :(
If you go for a current one, make sure it's one of the flat LG ones. They have a better panel and support HDR through having HDMI v2.0a inputs, so are more 'future proof' than the curved ones.

Panasonic OLED is currently targeted at being £7999... :(
Not really helpful to the OP, but I went to Currys today and had a first look at the LG OLEDs. They had the flat as well as the curved, but both were absolutely incredible to my eyes, even on upscaled 1080p. They just looked miles better than any of the LCDs. A very rich image.
Not really helpful to the OP, but I went to Currys today and had a first look at the LG OLEDs. They had the flat as well as the curved, but both were absolutely incredible to my eyes, even on upscaled 1080p. They just looked miles better than any of the LCDs. A very rich image.

This, really wish I could just drop 8k on a TV :(
Always hear constantly about how good OLED is and I do believe it more when you see it in store rooms, just looks like each pixel can show the detail correctly over half the flaws or issues that LED tv's show's.

Even when viewing from a side angle its still perfect, just a shame OLED has not really hit mainstream would take a 32inch OLED 1080p TV even lol

Maybe in 3-4 years LG and panny can get us there, I think if sony and samsung were on board it would happen also but that looks doubtful.
Maybe in 3-4 years LG and panny can get us there, I think if sony and samsung were on board it would happen also but that looks doubtful.

Quiet rumours that LG MIGHT start supplying Sony with OLED panels at some point in '16 in a similar arrangement to Panasonic (but therefore wont be any cheaper than LG's at any rate)
Its slim hope, can't fault sony and samsung for not jumping on-board with oled not in this recession money drought anyhow. I hope LG produce some smaller and much cheaper OLEDs.
Panny OLED with HDR is the one i want. I honestly think that 4K OLED with HDR is going to be perfection for another ten years. I think 24p is going to be the gold standard too and all the boxes are now ticked and trickling down! 3D and 48p are just gimmicks.

Soon people will realise that the problem all along was shoddy directors waving thier camera around instead of a static camera platform and slow contant panning. Ironclad on Blu-Ray 24p is a prime example. I think this will make £2k in a TV a reasonable investment for the above reasons alone. Get a minimum of a 6 year warranty imo.
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Its slim hope, can't fault sony and samsung for not jumping on-board with oled not in this recession money drought anyhow. I hope LG produce some smaller and much cheaper OLEDs.

Sony will start using LGd OLED panels in 2016(they are waiting to see how Panasonic get on) It was nothing to do with money for Samsung, the OLED technology they used didn't work(wasn't viable because of lifespan problems and failures) so they have had to start from scratch and there is no chance of them using LGd panels because of the rivalry between the two companies.
Panny OLED with HDR is the one i want. I honestly think that 4K OLED with HDR is going to be perfection for another ten years. I think 24p is going to be the gold standard too and all the boxes are now ticked and trickling down! 3D and 48p are just gimmicks.

Soon people will realise that the problem all along was shoddy directors waving thier camera around instead of a static camera platform and slow contant panning. Ironclad on Blu-Ray 24p is a prime example. I think this will make £2k in a TV a reasonable investment for the above reasons alone. Get a minimum of a 6 year warranty imo.

HDR isn't all that, I was watching it on Amazon on my EG960 and it makes the picture very bright but very washed out(it just looks like your u have set the OLED light, contrast and brightness to max)
Panny OLED with HDR is the one i want. I honestly think that 4K OLED with HDR is going to be perfection for another ten years. I think 24p is going to be the gold standard too and all the boxes are now ticked and trickling down! 3D and 48p are just gimmicks.

Soon people will realise that the problem all along was shoddy directors waving thier camera around instead of a static camera platform and slow contant panning. Ironclad on Blu-Ray 24p is a prime example. I think this will make £2k in a TV a reasonable investment for the above reasons alone. Get a minimum of a 6 year warranty imo.

Any particular reason your to for the pan you OLED with HDR over the LG OLED with HDR?
Any particular reason your to for the pan you OLED with HDR over the LG OLED with HDR?

The Panasonic is cream of the crop of ALL TVs available today including the LG OLED, is it £3000 better? That is debatable. The one place OLED struggles at the moment is just above black 0-5 IRE and the Panasonic is far superior to the LGs in that department here is a little quote from bumtious a respected calibrater over on avforums

"This CZ950 is far better at its guesswork than the LG's between 0 and 1 ire, to put it simply the set can guess 1000 points where the LG950 can guess 500 points and the LG960 guesses 250 points."
"That means that with the Panasonic the pixels are shifting these subtle luminance levels half as much as the LG950 which is why with poor bit depth content the LG looks to have more "digital turbulence" in this area just above black and the LG950 is much better than the LG960."

Here is the thread for the Panasonic so you can decide for yourself if it it worth the extra money or not , I have the 55" lg eg960 and if the Panasonic came in 55" form I would have it over the lg.

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