When do you first remember using a mobile phone or computer?

5 Jan 2018
I think the first time I remember using a computer was around 2001 , playing championship manager 2000/01 and having to share with my brother and dad

First time I remember using a phone was getting my mums old Nokia in about 2002
22 Oct 2004
First time on the computer was watching my uncle play commander keen.

First mobile was nearly two years ago with my current phone a nexus 6.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Hard to remember - probably first time I used a computer was the BBC Micro or similar model my infants school had in 1984-5 my dad had a 286 borrowed from work around that time as well but I think that was a year or two later.

First "mobile" phone I think I used was one my aunt had early 90s due to being an on call nurse - it was the size of a briefcase. Was resistant to getting a mobile phone myself as I didn't see the point until they could play mp3s, etc. and had a proper camera but ended up getting one around 2002 when my mum was taken into hospital and was seriously ill for awhile.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Vic 20 for a computer.
Mobile phone... Hmmm I had some vile Panasonic thing after I left uni in 2000 ish.
Everyone else was buying the Nokia featured in the matrix movie.
2 Jan 2018

back in the 80s when i was starting school my dad had an Amstrad 6128 thing

the sort of computer that had 'floppy disks' but they were the hard kind... the sort of things that if you threw them at a wall, they'd actually embed themselves into it lol

ahh, old green screen nostalgia kicking in now :o

Phone... mid to late 90's with a Nokia... the sort with the pull out ariel going on lol
17 Jun 2012
Computer, early '80s. My father walked in one day with a ZX81.
Mobile phone - I didn't use one until around 1997 and didn't have one until around 2000 - 2001.

Snap for zx81. Must have been around 1982. Just walked in and we were hooked. Phone around 1997 I think some huge Nokia probably on Orange. Total brick.
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
It depends exactly what you mean by computer, but it was either the Amiga a family friend used to bring round our house in about 1990-1991, or when playing Mario on NES in a Woolworths store around that same time.

The Amiga was amazing. We played Bubble Bobble, North and South, and attempted to play Cannon Fodder but it was just too difficult for me at that age :o

When we eventually got an Amiga of our own I remember the first time I completed The Lion King game I left it paused on the last boss until my Dad got in from work so I could show him :cool:

Computer other than this would've been in school, around 1994. The school organised a fun run, with the profits going towards a "CD-ROM" for the school... it was only years later I realised how absurd that sounds.
4 Jul 2004
When I was about 7 or 8. My first phone was the Nokia 5110, which my dad gave me after he upgraded to that cool Nokia Matrix phone. I then got that a year or two after.
11 Aug 2006
Pembs, Wales
Some Motorola phone on pay as you go in the late 90's soon after I got a contract Nokia 7110 (matrix phone second generation)

Computer wise it's difficult to remember as my father got a BBC micro and as far back as I can remember we always had it, personally though the first computer that was mine was an Atari st in 1990, console wise a SNES soon after, the first pc I purchased was in 04 a athlon xp2800 from comet, I soon ordered a 9800 pro from ocuk for it and an additional stick of ram it was either DDR 256 or 512 can't remember.

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

First home PC was in 1997 (not counting the Commodore 64). It ran Windows 3.1 and we had a desk set up in the corner of the living room for us to share.

Being the only one old enough (comprehensive school age) and the only one with any motivation to learn to use it, I pretty much monopolised it. Eventually, we upgraded to Windows 95 and I remember being blown away.. no more DOS!

About 2 or 3 years later my parents got me a machine after I convinced them how essential it would be to have a PC. It came with several CDs full of the Encarta encyclopaedia :cool:

First phone was a Nokia of some description. I remember the name of one the first ones i had was the 3210 with that snake game, before eventually buying an 8xxx series phone with a light up keypad. Then I switched to a Samsung flip phone which died after I took it to work in my new/first proper job and washed my trousers with it still inside :o

Moved to the iPhone in 2007 and had one ever since.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
We borrowed a friends ZX-81 in the early 1980's; probably 1981. The first computer I owned was a VIC-20 in either 1981 or 1982.

The first mobile phone I used was a Philips Genie in 1999. A year later I was on holiday in Thailand and I knew the world had changed as people around the pool were on mobiles.
1 Mar 2008
Deep North
First time on a computer was probably 1989 in first school on the BBC Master.

I got my first mobile phone in January 1999 on Vodafone PAYT. I remember SMS being a new thing and I could only send and receive between other Vodafone users for a time.

10 May 2004
Sunny Stafford

In 1986, step-dad took me to a pub that had an arcade game "where you had to collect the cherries". Turns out it was called Mr Do. He kindly got me for Christmas that year a BBC Micro B+ model with Mr EE which was pretty much like-for-like. The Beeb was pretty good for arcade ports :)


If you're talking PCs, then my first PC was 1999, so aged 20 and pretty late on the bandwagon. P II 350MHz. It was all about Age of Empires II, the Sims and Final Fantasy 7 and 8.

Parents got their first PC in 1991 and it was all about a WW2 flight sim called the Final Hour.


Parents got their first phone in 1994. They were still brick phones back then, but they were nicely surprised when the handset was actually a bit smaller than a normal telephone receiver. 1994 was an era when it was only 1 mobile phone per household and was used for emergencies only i.e. car has broken down.

My first phone was year 2000, aged 22, so late on the bandwagon for me as with PCs. Nokia 402 which was Orange-branded. Think the proper title was a Nokia 5110. With the blue cover. It was a pretty old model too for 2000. More like a 1998 model or a hand-me-down model if 2000.


To compensate in 2017/18:

Phone - Sammy S8+ with a sexy 6.2" screen, so I have pretty much caught up there :)
Computer - Lenovo laptop with i7-4720HQ (Passmark=8025), 16GB RAM, GTX 960M 4GB dedicated, 500GB SSD, so caught up there. Dell Ultrasharp 2415M too :)
3 Feb 2010
Computer - 1992. In school we had RM Nimbus 286’s.

Mobile phone - about 1995. My dad got one of them really early grey Motorola’s With the foot long aerial and the flip down keypad cover.

This, used very basic DOS systems in 1991-1992 in school.

Other than that my knowledge is a bit fuzzy, my dad built and repaired computers for a living so we had LOTS around the house..
6 Jan 2013
First PC at work, I can't remember the model or anything but it was before Windows 95 because I remember that coming out and the management guys getting excited about the big switch.

First mobile phone I used was a car phone, with the handset in the centre console and the gubbings in the boot.

First handheld mobile was a Motorola flip type model from BT Cellnet whom I think became O2. I remember getting stick in the pub with the guys calling me Delboy and saying "what's the point in paying a fortune for that, who's even going to call you?"... If only they knew. :p
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