When dose World Of Warcraft get going?



18 Jan 2003
I used to play Guild Wars and that started getting good when you reached a higher level.

So when dose WOW get going? I am currently lvl 11 am it's just not grabbing me atm.

Thanks Luke
it doesnt.

Just 60 levels of questing, then the rest of time in high level instances gaining better equipment to use in newer harder higher level instances :)
16 to 40 is where i usually have most fun, then 50 to 58 is nice also, 40 to 50 is horrible :o . 11 is still a very low level, you will still be very weak and have only a few of the skills you will eventually have, dont think its really ment to be too fun at such a low level as its rather easy to each 20 in just one weekend if you put your mind/time to it :)
I usually enjoy leveling from 1 to 30, then it gets tedious with the grind for xp and not enough quests to get to the next level and I end up starting a new character. I have actually got further than level 30 though.
At about level 30 you will have your main bulk of spells so thats a good time. At lvl 30 you also start doing more instances, especially if you have a guild and that is fun.

After that the instances are the main thing, Big bosses, good loot, and great teamplay.
The worst period for me was when i hit 40 but couldn't afford a mount, running around knowing you could be saving half the time is infuriating.

Personally the best time for me was 1-30, learning new powers and seeing my character improve.
Level 20 is where it gets a lot more fun for many classes I've played, Level 40 gets you a mount which makes running around so much more... less unenjoyable. Hunters, Shamans and Druids get a 30/40% speed increase ability at level 20/30.

I can't remember what class you are, but since you're level 11 you're almost certainly doing the "Bring me 30 wolf scrotums" type quests - not fun.

Soon you'll be able to do some kind of instance - at around lvl 16 or so. that's where you get to group with a nice class balance group (tank, healer, dps, hybrid) - 4 other players. And you'll also get sent off to explore more areas of the world.

Keep at it.
I am a Lvl 11 Warrior.

Like holding a big sword and shield. :D

Cant wait to get a tiger to ride on :D

Thanks for the input guys.

R^T said:
I am a Lvl 11 Warrior.

There's your problem.

Out of all of the characters I've played, I must say that to level up a warrior is one of the least fun at low level. I think I managed to get my warrior to level 25 before I just had to stop.

Don't get me wrong though, if you can cope with it at least until level 30 they get a lot better. I've played on my mate's level 60 warrior and they are insane when you get some decent equipment. Also tanking in instances is unique and probably the most fun to be had when in a group.

I've played a rogue, warlock and druid to 60 and each one of them were fun non-stop from level 1-60. I found the warrior slow and weak for the first 20 levels.

Stick with it, they are worth it once you hit 60. If you're lucky enough to get some insane pvp epics at level 60, that is when you see the true potential of the class. Do a search on google videos for 'warrior pvp', you can see what stuff they can do.

EDIT: A lot of people complain that their classes stop being fun at level 60, (i.e. druids, rogues and shamans). Druids arn't that great at 60 due to lack of damage equipment for them, rogues complain because they are annoying to play in battlegrounds since their most important opening moves must be done from stealth, which isn't easy to use in a BG. Shamans complain because of battleground issues too.

Most warriors I've talked to say that the game begins at 60 for a warrior.

Just my own personal observations and what I've heard from people.

Good luck.
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kola said:
Nah 40 to 50 goes so fast it's stupid :D try Lineage 2 then youll find out what horrible is :o

indeed, i played it before i moved to WoW :) had a 62 gladiator, i did enjoy the game somewhat, i just couldnt bare it with the weeks of constant grinding just to gain one level, was driving me insane :eek: WoW is much nicer for leveling at least.
World of Warcraft is fun ONLY when played with a group of friends, imho. Just gives the game that seamless feeling...especially when you make your own guild :D
I'd agree that a warrior is a hard and tedious one, i have 3 lvl 60 chars, i started a warrior and got bored by lvl 20 and got sick of dying all the time, they do come good in the end as a lot of my friends have rolled warriors and loved um at high level.
I currently have a lvl 60 warrior. Its true the fun starts at lvl 60. MC .. Onyxia .. BWL etc. But getting to 60 is a nightmare with a warrior although once there it is awesome fun. You never forget the first time you successfully tank a boss in Molten Core :D

Im not a fan of PvP but we do have a Rank 14 Grand Marshall warrior in our guild and the gear he has is incredible so should you choose the PvP route there is a lot of fun and fantastic rewards to be had that way too :)

stick with it through the grind... It will all come good in the end. Very very few ppl will ever go through an instance without a warrior in the party so you can always find somewhere to go :)
higher level instances are pretty impossible to do without a warrior. The only higher level 1 ive done without a warrior, was Maraudon (sp?) with a level 60 shaman, and 4 other 50+ shamans
Vicious said:
higher level instances are pretty impossible to do without a warrior. The only higher level 1 ive done without a warrior, was Maraudon (sp?) with a level 60 shaman, and 4 other 50+ shamans

I tanked the Temple of Atal'Hakkar as a 56 druid with a 60 mage, 55 mage, 54 priest and 52 pally :)

No wipes either, was my first proper go at tanking, and the reason why my second highest character is a warrior, I quite enjoy aggro management :D
just got my first level 60 warrior, ranks are hard to level, a decent guild and good skills ie herbalism and alchemy, not mining and blacksmithing as i have chosen, dont craft things til later best choice really is to gather 2 things and sell all on AH. looking forward to getting my tier 1 stuff now and then the expansion pack later in the year.

msn me if you want tips on playing a tank!

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