R^T said:
There's your problem.
Out of all of the characters I've played, I must say that to level up a warrior is one of the least fun at low level. I think I managed to get my warrior to level 25 before I just had to stop.
Don't get me wrong though, if you can cope with it at least until level 30 they get a lot better. I've played on my mate's level 60 warrior and they are insane when you get some decent equipment. Also tanking in instances is unique and probably the most fun to be had when in a group.
I've played a rogue, warlock and druid to 60 and each one of them were fun non-stop from level 1-60. I found the warrior slow and weak for the first 20 levels.
Stick with it, they are worth it once you hit 60. If you're lucky enough to get some insane pvp epics at level 60, that is when you see the true potential of the class. Do a search on google videos for 'warrior pvp', you can see what stuff they can do.
EDIT: A lot of people complain that their classes stop being fun at level 60, (i.e. druids, rogues and shamans). Druids arn't that great at 60 due to lack of damage equipment for them, rogues complain because they are annoying to play in battlegrounds since their most important opening moves must be done from stealth, which isn't easy to use in a BG. Shamans complain because of battleground issues too.
Most warriors I've talked to say that the game begins at 60 for a warrior.
Just my own personal observations and what I've heard from people.
Good luck.