When dose World Of Warcraft get going?

Another vote for lvl 20 here, dont take long to get there so stick at it and it does get a lot better, just hope your on a decent server and can find some good groups, which shouldnt be a problem at that lvl.

Really need to get my PC fixed so i can play again....
Firstly… What does “dose” mean (in that context)? :p

Maybe you’ll never enjoy it… I certainly don’t believe you should try for level 60 in an attempt to liven things up. That would represent a considerable investment in time and effort. It also probably isn’t really the point of the game.

The early stages of World of Warcraft were probably my favourite. The sense of exploration, the brief glimpses of lore, the sweeping landscapes, the beautiful backdrops and the fascinating prospect of character growth engrossed me within hours of creating my first character. I tend to think that the game shifts away from those elements after a while and instead focuses purely on the leveling/item ‘thang’. Shame really, as I believe that as a result, it quickly made WoW a flat experience for me. Nonetheless, I soldiered on level 60; a tedious affair which ultimately led to the cancellation of my subscription. However, that’s just my nature; I find repetitive instancing and boss battles (in the hope that I just may get a specific piece of armour) not to my taste.

I’d recommend that you play until level 20-25 and see how you feel after that. :)
Thanks for all the help guys.

Ganna tread on and try and get to lvl 60.

I'll let you know when I get there.
Game starts @ 60.

Rogue 60 , Warrior 60 and Ex-Mage 60.

I'll tell you now Warrior is a pain to Level as you don't get any instant attacks until Level 36.

40-50 is just a pain to Level , and 50-60 is ez.
LukeManUK said:
Game starts @ 60.

Rogue 60 , Warrior 60 and Ex-Mage 60.

I'll tell you now Warrior is a pain to Level as you don't get any instant attacks until Level 36.

40-50 is just a pain to Level , and 50-60 is ez.

Where have you found is a great place to grind for L54 Warrior? I dont have time for 10hrs in instances at the moment and am grinding my way to top. Ideally somewhere that drops cloth as i have an alt who is a tailor.

Currently hangin around Felwood but its a pain travelling there when i have to return to sell things.

Blood Elves in Azshara I think, although they may be slightly too low level for you now. At around 55 or so the ogres in Deadwind Pass are great to grind.

TBH, I found warrior easy to level; went Fury dual-wield as I was leveling and I could kill mobs very fast with little downtime.
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I have leveled a warrior and a rogue both to level 60. I never found pve that interesting on either of them but the warrior was the most fun to play. The game really starts at level 60 imo. I found getting to 60 is no problem its just getting end game items that takes a long time (DKPs).
level 11 and you're having problems lol, quit now. Level 1-15 are handed to you on a plate, the game doesnt get interesting until after level 40 when you get your mount up until then its meaningless, and then 40-59 is almost as meaningless 60 is where most of the game is at the rest is just getting to 60. Then its just doing instances for items, resistance items and improving tradeskills or grinding honor in battlegrounds. Do this 8-10hours a day to keep up with the rest.

good day.
After playing WoW i never really seemed to grasp the objective of the game. It doesn't seem to have an immersive story line or anything it seems to just be "get to 60 and get the Uber gear" am I right in saying this or am i missing something?
R34P3R said:
After playing WoW i never really seemed to grasp the objective of the game. It doesn't seem to have an immersive story line or anything it seems to just be "get to 60 and get the Uber gear" am I right in saying this or am i missing something?

If you want story type feel, go on a RP server.
hr18 said:
level 11 and you're having problems lol, quit now. Level 1-15 are handed to you on a plate, the game doesnt get interesting until after level 40 when you get your mount up until then its meaningless, and then 40-59 is almost as meaningless 60 is where most of the game is at the rest is just getting to 60. Then its just doing instances for items, resistance items and improving tradeskills or grinding honor in battlegrounds. Do this 8-10hours a day to keep up with the rest.

good day.

I'd say up until your first instance runs when you get decent loot, possibly even Wailing Caverns for the Horde. After that the meaning in the game should be to start thinking about improving professions and cash-making so you can get your mount at or just after 40th level.

I'm 35th just now and only have 20g due to talent spending but thanks to alchemy/herbalism I can sell a lot of pots on the auction house to make up the amount needed, well, hopefully.

I can't say what happens after 40 since I've never had a character this high before (usually got bored about 30) but 30-40 has been very interesting for me thanks to instance runs and new areas, at least away from The Barrens chat.
afraser2k said:
I'd say up until your first instance runs when you get decent loot, possibly even Wailing Caverns for the Horde. After that the meaning in the game should be to start thinking about improving professions and cash-making so you can get your mount at or just after 40th level.

I'm 35th just now and only have 20g due to talent spending but thanks to alchemy/herbalism I can sell a lot of pots on the auction house to make up the amount needed, well, hopefully.

I can't say what happens after 40 since I've never had a character this high before (usually got bored about 30) but 30-40 has been very interesting for me thanks to instance runs and new areas, at least away from The Barrens chat.

Hah when i was horde and i was in the barren's all it consisted of was little kids moaning and starting stuff and people doing chuck norris jokes all day. Made me loathe that area ><.
I've always found it much more fun when I can start seeing my talents come into action. For example, I made a shadow priest quite recently, and around level 15 I had spirit tap and was starting to put points into blackout (stun from shadow spells), which made the play style more developed.
With a mage I have always found level 20 to be the turning point for instant aoe, evocation and blink (possibly a level either way for evocation). I think it varies per character, and also depends on what you prefer to play.

The game has a lot to offer pre-60, so don't just rush yourself through. Take your time, try all sorts of quests and explore some :).
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