When fully erect, how big is your...tent

Oh Matron !! :D

Getting it up is one thing, but getting it to stay up is another matter...
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Lollypop stick and some gaffer tape.

What about when you need to take the damn thing down?

Do you take it off slow to avoid chafing or do you give it a tug and get it over with?

My personal...*cough*tent, is more than big enough thank you very much.
I'm really tired of this guys threads to be honest. Maybe I'm just being grumpy though. :p

I think that if you let threads on an internet forum affect you in any way, you need to take a long hard look at yourself and probably lol at yourself also.

However; lol luanswan2002. Attempting to take the crown from dvdbunny I see.
I've had 8 people in there or 6 with their kit.
you'ed not want more than 2 guys in their tho or it starts to smell after a couple of days camping!

Thats the "garage" side of my tent, which is often used as a communal area when it rains! (Have to evict the car though!)

Yes, that is me in the England top
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