When is Z97 due?

25 Nov 2009
My 2500k has blue screened twice now in the last week at stock 3.3GHz after nearly a year of being rock solid at 4.5/4.8 and even the odd bench at 5.4GHz through gaming/benching/stress tests the works... Now all of a sudden it appears to no longer be stable at stock and I CBA to go through hours of tweaking again when I have every intention of going to Z97...

I've gone back to my fail safe 4.5GHz which I know worked flawlessly now in an attempt to regain some stability and hopefully that fixes it.

I've read several dates online for the release but I don't know which are rumours and/or whether we actually have a date. When will I be able to buy a z97 and the next gen 4770k if you like?

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