When poor and normal people get too much money, this is what happens

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We should blame/persecute a sub section of society and see where that takes us.

Nothing can go wrong
I don't understand your complaint?
You don't own a house because it's too easy for poor people to buy houses now? Are you saying that poor people are now richer than you so that's why you can't buy a house? Or that poor people can buy houses up to 200k now which means that you can't buy one of them incase people think you're poor so you can't afford to buy a non-poor person house?
I'm not following why you dont own a house if it's so easy to buy one these days?
Whose policies? What are you referring to?

There's more poverty in the UK now than in 2005. I don't remember food banks 20 years ago.

I don't remember food banks in 2008/9. Wasn't until the financial mess worked its way down the ladder years later, 2010-ish that I started hearing food banks. But even then they were in small doses compared to even now. Now even somewhat middle class has been going to food banks in the past decade.
Food banks are great,some 24 stone mother can feed her family for nothing and save the benefits for a packet of fags ,i am officially in poverty so i can say these things,,,
Food banks are great,some 24 stone mother can feed her family for nothing and save the benefits for a packet of fags ,i am officially in poverty so i can say these things,,,

What makes someone officially in poverty? Can you exapand a little so we can add new user titles under peoples usernames?

Does it include people with RTX 3090 cards?
Does it include people with 3 houses that they rent out so they can get their mortgage free? on the 4th house?
The problem is not that people have too much money, but that people produce less work than they should.

The latter is what causes inflation. If people work more, this would cause deflation.

The best example is furlough, i did zero work, yet i still got money.
What makes someone officially in poverty? Can you exapand a little so we can add new user titles under peoples usernames?

Does it include people with RTX 3090 cards?
Does it include people with 3 houses that they rent out so they can get their mortgage free? on the 4th house?
I have a 3090 and I now feel very poor. Does that count?
They should stop all benefits so I can finally afford a new GPU

What makes someone officially in poverty? Can you exapand a little so we can add new user titles under peoples usernames?

Does it include people with RTX 3090 cards?
Does it include people with 3 houses that they rent out so they can get their mortgage free? on the 4th house?
I'm still using an i5 4670k, 8gm ddr3 1600mhz ram and a 980ti as my main PC.
Can I get a poverty tag

still using a samsung j3 phone as well
Well then you aren't "officially in poverty" if you own a house outright and have £80k in savings. :rolleyes:

Reminds me of the guy on Question Time who thought he earned an average wage when he earnt 80k per year

That's including my sipp i am old enough to drawdown ,after the tax that's not a great amount its all my old crappy job pensions combined
That's including my sipp i am old enough to drawdown ,after the tax that's not a great amount its all my old crappy job pensions combined
You are not in poverty, full stop. In fact, saying you are in poverty with 80k savings is an insult to people in genuine poverty
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