When to progress bodyweight exercises?

3 Sep 2008
Since I'm a bit skint and cannot afford the gym I've been including bodyweight exercises to halt muscle loss, and build some hopefully. I've been following a beginners guide which includes:

10 press ups
20 squats
20 second plank
30 jumping janks
20 dumbbell rows (my dumbbells are milk bottles filled with water lol)
20 walking lunges

Do I increase the number, intensity or complexity?

I can do most easily instead of the press ups, which is still a struggle to 10.
That won't do you too much good from a muscle-building perspective. ;)

Change it to (sets * reps):

Day 1:

Deficit Bulgarian split squats (3*10 each side)
Goblet squats (3*10) - use a rucksack filled with books...
Nordic curls (3*10)
Deadbugs (3*10)
Pushups (3*12) - using the rucksack from the goblet squats...

Day 2:

Squats as above...
Inverted rows off a dining table (3*12)
Chins off a loft hatch (3*5)
Negative dragon flagss (3*5)

Enjoy. ;)
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