Where can I buy Milk from now?

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oof, very slippery slope this, I've seen the end result of this and it's not pretty.

When I worked as a building manager we started off with skimmed and semi skimmed milk. Then lactose free stuff, then oat milk, soya milk, almond milk, I think by the time I left we were up to 12 different types of milk on our order.

Of course 90% of it ended up in the bin as nobody drank the stuff but the screeching that would take place if we didn't have it was absolutely spectacular :D

A bit like those vegans that screech that there's nothing for them to buy but 90% of the yellow-stickered stuff in supermarkets is all vegan food.

This is easy.. As manager I would simply say the milk budget per week is xx.

Then delegate the problem to whoever is moaning about it.. Tell them to form a milk committee to decide via votes from staff what sorts of milk to get.

If much goes to waste then you can simply stop buying that type and and back it up with statistics...
If anyone moans about it you can simply say x litres of oat milk went to waste last month at a cost to the company of xx, so bring your own if you want it.

This is easy.. As manager I would simply say the milk budget per week is xx.

Then delegate the problem to whoever is moaning about it.. Tell them to form a milk committee to decide via votes from staff what sorts of milk to get.

If much goes to waste then you can simply stop buying that type and and back it up with statistics...
If anyone moans about it you can simply say x litres of oat milk went to waste last month at a cost to the company of xx, so bring your own if you want it.


We aren't a big workplace, but I'm lactose intolerant and no one else is. They buy me oat milk, and there are a couple of others whose preference is to drink plant-based milk, so they get oat too and that's that. Quite easy!

We do end up with quite a large collection of oat milk cartons at work if I'm out of the office, which is often.
We aren't a big workplace, but I'm lactose intolerant and no one else is. They buy me oat milk, and there are a couple of others whose preference is to drink plant-based milk, so they get oat too and that's that. Quite easy!

We do end up with quite a large collection of oat milk cartons at work if I'm out of the office, which is often.

I was kinda joking with my previous post, but out of interest... Does oat milk go off fast like normal milk or can you treat it like UHT cow milk, as in, if it's in an unopened carton can you just keep it in a cupboard for several months if its unused so you don't have to buy more?
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Have these idiots moved from X on to here now?!

Bill Gates isn't even involved in this Bovaer stuff. They're all happy to be Musks lapdog but somehow hate another billionaire!
Gates is involved with a rival company Rumin 8, doing the same thing.

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