Where can I go if the local Council refuse to help?

I think the councils generally have rules about when they can introduce new speed limits and traffic calming measures.

If I remember right, that incudes things like fatal crashes and number of reported incidents in a given period.

You might want to check this and see what those rules are.
They say they can't do anything till an accident?
OP have a whip round buy a banger and crash it yourselves. :p
nah just create a tiktok challenge applicable to that stretch of road and the lemmings will do it for you. Just make sure it's not traceable to you or your complaints about the consequences will backfire!
We have the exact same issue. 60mph in to a 30 for our village. Loads of signs including electronic ones and we still get arse holes flying through with indicates speeds of 50+. Horses. Kids. Cyclists. Council doesn't care.
Paint 20mph limits on the road and go steal some 20mph signs to put there as well.
Village round here actually did that, council told them to take them down.

Could always help the road form a nice big pothole, that will slow them down. :eek:

On a more serious note councils are struggling for funds and likely won't do anything until forced. Asking your neighbours to join you in contacting the local paper (if you still have one) might be the best route.
wreckless drivers.
That's fine then. It's the ones that wreck you should be worried about. ;)

They've altered far end of the road for one village (20 mph and speed bumps before entering) but won't amend our end. And we can't understand why the reluctance.
If I was a cynic, I would suggest there's a councilor living at that end. :D
There's just been a bypass built around part of my town. All 60mph except for a 50mph stretch where it goes past the more expensive houses.
Round the area I live in several spots they put up temporary signs that show the speed of the vehicles. Most people take note of a flashing sign showing they are going 30+ and to SLOW DOWN but some tossers just don’t care had some scum a little while back overtake a row of slow/stationary traffic at about 80 in a 30.

In OP situation I am sure if the local council could get away with making money from a speed camera outside your house they would have one up the next day.
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