Where do you keep your case and why?

It keep mine on the intended shelf in my computer desk. It hold it under the desk surface but about 6" off of the floor. I used to have it on the floor. Since moving it I've noticed a drastic decrease in the buildup of dust in the case, fans, and heatsinks.
Down the side of my desk. Its a full tower case plus I have my turntable and mixer on my desk aswell as two 19" screens :).
I had my previous computer, which had an NZXT Lexa case, on the floor but sitting on two massive encyclopedia's ;) Seemed to do the job, not really sure what I'm going to do with my new pc (V2100) as it is massive, heavy and has wheels so can imagine it rolling off anything I put it on!
nicktay2605 said:
I had my previous computer, which had an NZXT Lexa case, on the floor but sitting on two massive encyclopedia's ;) Seemed to do the job, not really sure what I'm going to do with my new pc (V2100) as it is massive, heavy and has wheels so can imagine it rolling off anything I put it on!

Remove the wheels? Or use the locks they have? Or just use the wheels as they will lift it off the ground anyway :)
jimbos said:
"on the floor.. i have an antec 900 it saves me hoovering"

LOL this is what im worried about, do you find it effects performance at all. I have the same case!

if your scared it will suck up dirt from the floor maybe you should hoover?

the theory behind the case is brilliant if it was another 120mm taller with rear hdd mounts it would be a lot better

to be honest its that small with 5hhd's an 8800gtx it cant accualy suck all that much air in.
Raikiri said:
Remove the wheels? Or use the locks they have? Or just use the wheels as they will lift it off the ground anyway :)

Lol thats very true, the wheels should give it enough clearance. I also forgot that the vents on the bottom of the case have metal covers inside the case over each vent. On the Lexa there was an intake fan at the bottom of the case and I was always concerned about it sucking up dust, hopefully this won't be a problem on the V2100
floor. because its so big it doesnt fit under my desk.


^^ big silver and black thing on the left :p
both of mine are on top of my desks just force of habit i guess, that and i cant be arsed to change my fans around on my antec 900
Under the desk against the wall.

Reason: Lower noise level + cooler. I have it sat on some chipboard to protect from carpet dust.
Rick_Barnes said:

Floor is where dust settles -> PC

Dust settles on the first surface it hits... I've had computers on the desk, in a cupboard and on the floor. The amount of dust that gets in is exactly the same each time because it gets it from the air its pulling in. Unless you're using vantec tornados as case fans and hoovering your carpet at the same time you won't have any issues. If you're that worried about dust then get some fan filters, it's the only way you will stop it, or just go mental and dust your house every 5mins and hermetically seal it :)
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