Where do you plug the front panel audio in on an Extreme Music?

Actually it does, but you have use the individual pins, it's the same pin layout as the audigy drive bay, there's a site giving out pin assignments.

I didn't bother, as wrong placement will blow your soundcard, I'm using the headphone/switchin on my amp instead.
Yeah, my case is the Stacker 810, it has the usual HD and AC 97 "blocks" which are safe of course, but it has another two leads coming out with the same but in single pins, so you have to match, and not 100% sure.

Getting the Aracam sorts that out, plus I wanted 6.5mm headphone output, better quality headphone stage as well.

Google search will probably bring up audigy/x-fi layout
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problem is I've blown my onboard sound, hence why I bought this sound card in the first place.

my akasa zen only seems to have a ten pin connector no two pins ones.
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The X-Fi Has full support from the front panel, if you buy a model without it, you can buy one later from Creative.

Has little to nothing to do with the Audigy.

It connects to the row of PIN's at very rear of the Soundcard, its the same as an 80 Core EIDE cable but for 1 pin, thats why I use and Modded Rounded EIDE cable instead of thats horrid ribbon Cable they supply.
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Hi helmutcheese, I'm not sure what you mean.

the cable to my front panel which is joined to my Zen, is 2x5 pin female, whith one pin blocked up.

how would that go wit the 80 CoreEIDE cable?

I can't find anything to match it on the card...

cheers :)
I think he's presuming you're using the official X-Fi front panel (in which case you do use a 80 pin IDE cable), not the standard front mounted 3.5" jacks on standard cases.
Its not officially a EIDE Cable (see comments in Store about horrid Cable) you need Mod an EIDE Cable.

Whats a Zen got to do with your PC's Soundcard and Line Drive ?.



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ah I see.

I am using the sound port on the front of my Akasa Zen then to clear things up.

Just out of intrest, how much does the creative sound panel cost? do OCUK stock them?

Edit: helmutcheese: I want to connect up the front headphone out and mic in on the front of my zen to the sound card.
The front panel + remote kit is about £50-£75.

ah ok, too much then for me :p

edit: cheers helmutcheese for the images, but I don't think I can afford that sound box/panel, I meant the one that comes with my case.

or alternatively is there something similar to that panel that is cheaper? basically I just want to be able to plug headphones in at the front of my case without having to go to the back and unplug my speakers :)
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hmm.. bit beyond my budget lol.

can you get some kind of splitter? which splits the output into two more signals, so I could have speakers out one and headphones from the other, then just turn the speakers off when I want to use the phones?
hmm.. bit beyond my budget lol.

can you get some kind of splitter? which splits the output into two more signals, so I could have speakers out one and headphones from the other, then just turn the speakers off when I want to use the phones?

QED have input/output switches but I'm not sure if they're designed for headphone levels (just line level)
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