Where on Earth ?

27 Jul 2007
If money was not an object, where would you like to visit and photograph ?
me ? I'd love to eventually visit the Russian far East, especially the Kamchatka peninsular, saw it on 'Wild Russia' on Nat Geo HD and thought 'wow !'

Regards Simon
The door to hell, in Turkmenistan. I dont think it would be that expensive. But not sure what else to do in the area. Long way to go for a few hours.


interesting choices guys !.... indeed it would be fascinating to visit the city of Pripyat James, almost like being inside Modern Warfare (minus bad guys shooting at you hopefully !)
as for the 'Gateway to Hell' thats a new one on me, never heard of it before but would be worth a visit as I'm sure there are other sites worth capturing in Turkmenistan.
The Kamchatka peninsular isn't particularly expensive to get to, however I know what you mean.

Personally money no object then a month in Antarctica and the British dependancies on the area (South Georgia, Falklands).

Other places less money no object and more logistical would be the eastern border of the DRC, gorillas and a volcano with moltern magma pool. Unfortunately in the last 6 months it's got bad again...

The Kamchatka peninsular is another place I'd love to go, along with the western desert in Egypt. Maybe I'll have enough time some time!
I'd go and photograph the Milky Way from northern Thailand.

Good shout, but from Australia, I've never seen a night sky like it, thousands of miles from any light sources. I imagine Thailand will have more populations.

Money no object but not on earth how about the aurora lights of Jupiter :) take a few years and several 100bn dollars to get there. But I think its possible with current tech. Just a lot of launches assembling biggalow inflatable habitats.

Oh god I know, that cave, I think its in Thailand, that has an underground Forrest. That is it, that's my final vote. Here we go Hang Son Duong cave system.
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India/Burma/Vietnam, that sort of region. Hard to choose one.

Chernobyl is a good call too. Soviet Union relics, abandoned silos etc. always seem like they would make good walkabout fodder.
Either the Pamir region of Tajikistan or Boliva.

Of course you know what's going to happen. The OP is going to do an Itiallian Job (new version) on us and go to all our favourite places taking photos, then post the photos here.
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^^ lol... I won't be going anywhere until I've renewed my passport but I'm certainly looking at Kamchatka for next year because I'll finally be mortgage free (yay !) and have to say the Antartica-South Georgia-Falklands trip sounds good too. That said someone from here posted pics of an Iceland trip ?.. which looked pretty awesome !
Iceland, Chernobyl, Easter Island, Colditz, Siberian diamond mines.....there are just too many to choose from
I'd def go for some form of 'Long Way Round' epic trip to make sure I get the most out of the offer of money no object ;)
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