Where to get decent shorts?

3 May 2004
Ive been looking around to find a decent pair of board shorts but they are either horrid looking or stupidly priced.
Anyone know of a good place to find some which is hopefully none of the above?

Chronos-X said:
Next do some nice ones.
Got some on thursday for £20, and they include a free belt (ALWAYS a good thing) :)

Remmember, social shorts should be below, or at the same height, but NEVER ABOVE THE KNEE! :o
Oh, and remmember, please dont wear high socks with shorts, aghhhh! Flip-flops, sandals, or 'sports socks' for the win! :cool:

[/Unwanted fashion advice]
Gilly said:
Social shorts? :confused:
As opposed to ones you would do excercise in. I wouldn't want to exercise in long shorts, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to go to a social event in 'short' running shorts :o

Edit - Beaten with a stick :(
French Connection do some nice shorts for £45 ... Na only joking they ain't nice :D. If you want some shorts could try topman as well
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