Where to purchase Live Points/Microsoft Points

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle (uk)
I have been looking at retail shops to find Microsoft points Virgin HMV and woolworths all do the 1700 points for £15 but looking around for £16 you can get 2100 points and all the images on the Virgin website is a 2100 points card??

I have some virgin vouchers and im going to purchase some tonight but is it only 1700 points?? has anyone purchased any from virgin and can you confirm the quantity?

Just wanna buy some live arcade games without using my credit card LOL.
I purchased a 2100 points card from game. They did not have them on the shelves, they were behind the cash desk in a glass cabinet - I had to ask for one.
I just ordered 2000 points from the Xbox Live Marketplace :( Was in a rush to get the points to play Bankshot Billiards :D
I got 2100 points for £16.99 from a place I can't mention. Not sure if that was good or not. Already wasted most of them :(
Smit said:
I just ordered 2000 points from the Xbox Live Marketplace :( Was in a rush to get the points to play Bankshot Billiards :D

Bankshot Billiards is woeful. When I saw it was so expensive I was expecting something special all in 3D etc.. as it is it's just like Yahoo! Pool, just not free :(. Is there anything extra in the full version?
NokkonWud said:
Bankshot Billiards is woeful. When I saw it was so expensive I was expecting something special all in 3D etc.. as it is it's just like Yahoo! Pool, just not free :(. Is there anything extra in the full version?

I don't think there is anything extra to be honest but I like it, nowhere near as addictive as Geometry Wars though.
Yeah, I was dissapointed with the billiards. Just doesnt feel right. I was hoping for someting either in nice 3d or as addictive as blastbilliards, which I've wasted many an hour on when i should be working!
I like Billiards, its good fun when your bored of the real stuff, i play it more than geometry wars these days.

I ordered my 2100 point card from game so i could get the gotham/live 12 month pack for £19.99, so a years sub and 2100 points was about £36.
Yeah, should save your points for now. Themes are just pointless garbage fullstop. There's a lot of coinup classics on the way to waste yer points on!
2100 from Virgin £17.99 got some themes and stuff and a game still got 800+ points left so can still get another game waiting for street fighter 2 but i think its just a myth might get geometry wars as billards is Po lol
jkrohn1 said:
What is PlayOnline Viewer and OXM360??

OXM360 = Official Xbox 360 Magazine. This months issue came with a Final Fantasy XI beta, which is played via an app/frontend called PlayOnline Viewer. In short, it takes 2 hours to install and setup just for you to watch your 360 struggle to run a 3 year old MMO that looks (and runs) terribly. I know the hardcore FF fans will probably slate me, I think its an acquired taste. Just my opinion anyway and ever so slightly OT. :)
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