Where's My Cash?

6 Nov 2005
Hi guys and girls

I'm conducting a little experiment on tracing my cash around the country. Well, i'm about to, and will start tomorrow.

What I am going to do is write a message on each of the bank notes I come in contact with, with an email address and an invitation for people to send me an interesting picture of them with said banknote and their location. (and perhaps what they bought with it)

I know it's been done in America, but I want to know where my money ends up, and who gets to enjoy spending it further down the line.

I have a good email address for it already, but can anyone think of a nice punchy note to write on the edges of the note?

I'm thinking "send me a picture of you and this money to wheresmycash@yahoo.com" but it doesn't really get the message across, and I don't want it to be too long, as it will take ages to write on each note.

Also does anyone want to join me?
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porkrind said:
nice idea defacing the crown!

Yeah, I was told it's still a hanging offence!

But it will be written along the edges of the notes as opposed to across the queen's face
Couldn't you stick a small sticker on the notes that could be easily detached so as to avoid the possible neck stretch :)
chesterstu said:
Setup a website, just checked wheresmycash.org is avaliable for £4.50

I have no idea on how to make a web page, was going to ask my brother once I get some pictures back

But that's pretty cheap!
Rotty said:
think it's only illegal to deface a "coin of the realm"
I'm inclined to agree, or is pretty much evey bank cashier committing a hanging offence whenever i make a deposit of paper money?
Rotty said:
think it's only illegal to deface a "coin of the realm"

Not any more!

It was changed to copyright style law years back if i recall reading it right on a machine in some sealife center. The machine squashed 2p coint and printed a sealife logo on it.
who cares if its illegal, what are they really gona do?v

i think it would be best to only do it on one note, and not whatever note you come across, maybe do it on a new £20 note?
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