What are you looking to do with the drive? Permanently attached to the pc, moving files between computers or is this a backup type plan?
The reason I ask is if it's for long term backup you may find issues with how long data can be retained for unpowered on a SSD if it will only be rarely connected.
Grab yourself a Sabrent M.2 drive and put it inside an Orico USB-C enclosure.
I've had more luck with Sabrent's drives than I have their enclosures.
I find the USB-C connector on the enclosures doesn't quite hold onto the cable enough. So you might accidentally nudge the enclosure or you might need to move it while it's in use, and I've found that sometimes even the slightest of nudges with various cables can disconnect the drive enough to stop transfers.What was your problem with Sabrent Enclosures.
I have A USB-C one that I was using with a NVME 256GB as a transfer drive between my MacBook and Windows PC but the drive died. Sitting there empty at moment.