Which 2 seater soft top would you pick?

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
With a budget of £18k which soft top 2 seater would you pick? The car must be fast, must handle well but it must also be a competent cruiser - comfortable sitting on the motortway at 80 for a few hours. The more toys available the better! The car won't be used on tracks or driven hard all the time so a super lightweight, hardcore racer is not suitable (e.g. Elise, VX220 etc...)

A few that have sprung to mind are:

BMW Z4 3.0 - Can get an '03 model with all the kit for this budget.

Porsche Boxster 2.7 - There seem to be quite a lot of 2.7's to choose from so a good example is easily got within budget.

Nissan 350Z - Might be pushing it for £18k, they seem to be £20k+.

Given the budget what would you pick? Any other suggestions apart from the ones already mentioned?

Ta :)



6 Jun 2004
Scuzi said:
A few that have sprung to mind are:

BMW Z4 3.0 - Can get an '03 model with all the kit for this budget.

Porsche Boxster 2.7 - There seem to be quite a lot of 2.7's to choose from so a good example is easily got within budget.

Nissan 350Z - Might be pushing it for £18k, they seem to be £20k+.

The BMW - the ride is about as comfortable as smacking yourself in the kneecaps with a sledgehammer. Fine if you drive on very smooth roads all the time, but lousy if you hit a ripple in the tarmac occasionally.

The Porsche - the 2.7 is a bit slow compared to the bigger engined models, but it's a neat handling car. Certainly fine for sitting at high speed on a motorway.

The Nissan - Not really in the same league as either of the other two. Plenty of cars out there that are faster and better looking.

Of those choices - I'd have the Porsche.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
a Boxster. Sure, the 2.7 is slow compared to the rest of the Porsche range btu thats becuase the rest of the Porsche range is seriously, seriously fast.

0-60 in 6 seconds is not to be scoffed at.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I'd go for the Porsche - but I really do love the 350z, so it might be a tough call. The 350z is a little less common, and from the lift I had in one felt really comfortable, nimble and it just felt "cool". However I can't help but feel you'd be asking yourself "why didn't I get the porsche?"... I've drive the Boxster and there's no denying it's a great car - the front "boot" space is actually surprisingly spacious too.
8 Aug 2003
The Boxster 2.7 could be a very good choice. I was very impressed with the Boxster S (3.2) when I drove it and the main reason I was put off was it's ability to do twice the speed limit in a very controlled manner. My license matters to me more than that ;)

I wouldn't discount the Elise S2 111s or VX220 in your position. Compared to the S1 Elise they are very refined and could be a good compromise. Test drive one to see if it fits. If it doesn't then at least you'll know.

Personally I was rather underwhelmed by the S2000 when I drove one though that may just be me. Drive one and let us know what you think.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Thanks for the opinions so far :)
I've been a passenger in an Elise and an S2000. Neither appealed much for a variety of reasons. The Elise was a bit too hardcore and the S2000 needed the **** thrashing off it to make decent progress. Bother lovely and capable cars but not really suitable for the driving that will be done.
I'll not be changing my car for another 6 months - 1 year so I'm just getting ideas at the minute. I don't know whether to throw caution to the wind and get a 2 seater while I'm young and without any ties, or to get something more sensible like a 330Ci. My current car will be paid off in a few months and I fancy treating myself to something silly while I still can.

The Z4 was my favourite as I haven't really spotted a lot about. I love the styling too. The Boxster seems to be the better car all round but is a bit more common. A test drive is in order for both methinks :)

Any other suggestions?
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Scuzi said:
get something more sensible like a 330Ci.

I do love it when people consider 231bhp, 0-60 in 5.9 second, 155mph BMW's as 'sensible' :D

A Focus Diesel is sensible, a RWD Straight Six Coupe is.. less sensible :D
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
[TW]Fox said:
I do love it when people consider 231bhp, 0-60 in 5.9 second, 155mph BMW's as 'sensible' :D

A Focus Diesel is sensible, a RWD Straight Six Coupe is.. less sensible :D

It's my mid-mid-life crisis, anything with 4 seats and a boot is sensible :p
I'm going to be brutally honest. I want a capable car but another reason for wanting something silly is for posing and showing off. Yes, it's shallow, but you're only young once! ;)
31 Oct 2002
Newcastle upon Tyne
Out of your list I'd go for the Boxster but try and get the 3.2 instead. There's a few in your budget on Pistonheads


Although if it was me I'd be getting an 04 spec Elise 111S (extra soundproofing, carpets and leccy windows/remote locking etc.) The S1 and early S2's are probably too hardcore but the late 111S's might be "refined" enough for you.
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