Which 2gb DDR for 260mhz?

31 Jul 2004
OK.. I'm lost..

I had 2gb of corsair 3500LL running at 3-3-3-8 1t 240mhz

I sold that when I saw the 2gb gskill kits and on the strength of a review I went for the zx kit and it is now running (shakily) at 3-3-2-8- 1t 240mhz.. wouldn't have it at 260mhz (not entirely suprising I guess)..

My cpu is at 240 x 11 but I'd like to get it to 260 x 10 with the memory 1:1.. which of these 2gb kits do I need to run reasonable timings at 260mhz 1t?

mushkin redline?
gskill hz?
corsair 4000?
ocz 4000?

argh! too much good memory!

Yes I know the performance increase will be negligable but hey.. why not.

Its in an asus a8n sli board by the way.
ive have what your wanting

gskill 2gb hz at 260mhz no problems


can goto 280 but gets shakey

got the cpu to 2.85 and then it cut out.

260 suits it fine

its cheaper than the mushkin too.

ive read a lot of posts about dodgy gskill kits.

i just got mine last week form ocuk, and they are working a treat... i have absolutely no issues at all with this memory i love it! :)
marc2003 said:
howabout why?

use a divider and save yourself some bucks. :D

i used a divider with the geil pc3200.. set it to 166mhz

had the fsb to 270.... i got better performance all round with

gskill 260.... cpu 2.6

got loads more points with pcmark...

you could say its a tad much but its worth it getting a bit more on top of your bit more regarding performance
marc2003 said:
howabout why?

use a divider and save yourself some bucks. :D

if I was in the market to save bucks I wouldn't have half the pc I do :D

got to say I'm not buying 2-3-3-8.. maybe 3-2-3-8 but never CAS2 surely?

EDIT: (sorry, it looks like I'm spamming my own thread here)

the true reason I want something that will run at 260mhz is because thats the absolute limit of my cpu as tested with 2 memory kits/dividers etc.

Knowing that, I might as well have something I know can keep up and that if and when asus decide to release a bios with a higher voltage range or X2s or I finally move over to a dfi board I can explore the headroom a bit further whilst being able to discount the memory as being the point of weakness. As it goes the gskill cost less than I sold the corsair for and I can't see I'll lose much on this gskill zx.. especially in a couple of weeks when it all dries up if gibbo is to be believed.
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lemonkettaz said:
opps 2.5 even :eek:

whats wrong with that like? :cool:

ah 2.5..

A64 mem controller can't do 0.5s so it'll actually be running at 3.

Fine.. I'll be ordering some of those then!

Anyone want some slightly soiled gskill zx? ;)
woah hold the pears..

2gb hz gskill... 260mhz 1:1... 3-4-4-8... thats what im running at

i read the wrong spec sheet thing i have...(mark down scores with what ive set stuff too :p)

whether you can get it faster past 250mhz i dont know...

you can get it tight at ddr400
The mushkin redline, Should run 260Mhz 1:1 2-5-2-2 (or close to)

The 2x1gig kit, i mean.

Look up some reviews on it, it's pretty consistant.
costly too. althought ive just bought the gskill... and the mushkin comes out... looks pretty tasty spec wise... oh well

im sure the zx gskill does 2-2-2-5 ddr400 doesnt it?

i know the hz wont.. if thats what you think i meant? i get confused.. zx hz... whatever :)
I think its 2-3-2-5 but either way.. thats an expensive kit for ddr400, I think if I was sticking at stock I'd just buy geil value.
I have gskill hz, bought last week from ocuk at 260 3:4:3:7 rock solid. Havn't had time to try tighter timings or any more fsb up to now.

Interestingly there was absolutelly no performance gain whatsoever from 200 2:3:2:6 (1 gig) too 250 3:4:3:7 - shows fsb isnt everyhting.

As soon as i went to 260 - therefore overclocking the cpu aswell on the same multiplier, I saw some performance gains.
At 3,4,4,8 the Corsair 4000PT 2x1GB reached 290 in one review i read. Can't remember the site now but i'm sure you can find it.
Reading this thread I'm confused.I'm currently running my 2 x1gb geil value kit on a 166mhz divider and my cpu at 2.6ghz

what I want is to run 1:1 at 2.6ghz

so what ram can i get thats cheap that will allow me to run at 260mhz 1:1?

will i see a big boost running 1:1 or am i just going to be wasting my money?

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