Which 2gb would best compliment my CPU?

6 Nov 2004
Right recently went A64, got a Venice 3200 - which overclocks to [email protected] which im very happy with.
Only problem is that Im using my ram on a divider of 2/3 so its running at 180FSB althought with decent timings of 2/3/3/6, it BSOD's after a while at 5/6 and well 1:1 is never possible :D.

So Basically which ram is best for me to either.

A. Run a 1;1 ratio with my ram, so it will be running at 270 - It would require tight timings also so i'm under no illusions this wont be expensive.


B. Run at a ratio of 5/6 so effectively 225 - I'm guessing I wont be able to afford the ram in scenario A but I could probably afford ram that could run at 225 with tight timings.

Recommendations fellas?
OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC3200 Dual Channel Platinum Series EL-DDR CAS2 (OCZ4002048ELDCPE-K) (MY-057-OC) :cool:
Jimi said:
OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC3200 Dual Channel Platinum Series EL-DDR CAS2 (OCZ4002048ELDCPE-K) (MY-057-OC) :cool:
That *should* hit 225mhz on that 5/6 divider. The chips they use certainly are capable of it easily, but they might be binned low as these are the same chips used in the OCZ PC4000EB and Musking Redline XP4000. However, I still feel this is the best bet.

The Corsair 3500LL Pro is another good option but it's very costly. The OCZ PC4000 plat EB might hit 270mhz - I know mine can @ 3-3-2-5 which is pretty tight for 2GB at that FSB but I still feel that the use of the divider is the best way to go.
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