Personally, I would go with the Western Digital SE16 Drive. Reason being that it uses less power than the other drives and has lower temperatures. Also its pretty quiet. From what I've read, Seagate 7200.10 drives are one of the loudest drives on the market now. If you have a lot of fans in your PC though, the noise shouldnt bother you.
If out and out speed is all you want, go with the SATA version of either the Seagate or Hitachi drives - either of them are pretty much the quickest things out there right now.
Also your reluctance to embrace SATA is not warranted. SATA has been around for a few years now and is quite a mature technology. It is as reliable as IDE and potentially faster. Also, if you buy a SATA drive now, it will be usable with any future motherboard that you may buy in the next 3 yrs, say. The same cannot be said about IDE.