Which aftershave do you wear?

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I was bought some Polo Red recently so sometimes wear that. But the last one I bought myself was Tom Ford. I used to wear Eau Sauvage and I will be returning to that again shortly. It's an oldie but very good indeed.
Paul Smith Sunshine and whatever the Hugo Boss one is that comes in the green box that they have done for years and years.
Armarni code or CK in2u.

Used to have some hoop but hated it.

I tend to only wear them when meeting someone anyway, I've found that women respond well to you wearing the same smell you did the first time you met (assuming it went well)
Armani Code when going out and davidoff adventure just day to day, I like it because it get hints of it throughout the day, I don't care what others think!
Don't wear any, i just shower properly. No point in paying silly money for a bottle of scented chemicals.
I don't actually PAY for any of this...
These things are what people buy me for Christmas, when they realise *I* know far more about which graphics card I need than they do and they'll only stuff it up if they try!!

For all those that put aftershave on what make up do you use?
Combination of Kryolan and Max Factor, if I'm playing in the band that night.
Otherwise it's standard issue Wesco brand green & brown two-tone camouflage.

Why do you ask? :)
Also, is this specifically aftershave users, or does it also cover deodorant and anti-perspirant folk as well?
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