Which Battlefield game?

As others have said 3 is probably the better of the recents. HL was absolute junk.

C64 is well on as Arma is a much better shooting experience IMO. Depends though as its much slower pace than BF.
Recently picked BF4 back up after I uninstalled shortly after release.

I often feel at a disadvantage since I don't have all the weapons etc. More of a challenge though I guess.

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BF3 is almost dead now..
like originally said, its getting less and less, due to people not renewing their servers..

i logged in last night, and found 2 servers with people in it.. Just 2!!
and they were full up, so couldnt get a game elsewhere...

BF4 is best bet, still has a couple of issues, but for the most part, its a good game to play..
Hardline runs like junk IMO, i bought it, played an hour of it, and was very dissapointed.. and uninstalled. :D
Installed 3 yesterday. Had some fun in that bazaar city map, was a bit lost on the docks one. Must admit, i enjoy city fire fights, they weren't represented in bfbc2. :)
Move on to 4 in 20 hours if i'm not hooked.
i like BF3, but sadly, i only liked 1 map out of the entire game haha
and that is Operation Metro... the train station..
But in a way, that sucked, Its a bit campy and spawn trappy...
Installed 3 yesterday. Had some fun in that bazaar city map, was a bit lost on the docks one. Must admit, i enjoy city fire fights, they weren't represented in bfbc2. :)
Move on to 4 in 20 hours if i'm not hooked.

BF4 is my recommendation - you missed the heyday of BF3, so probably won't find so many populated servers. BF4 had a very rough introductory phase but the game is polished following numerous patches and has consistently busy servers night after night after night. Technically it is a marvel, but netcode issues may factor into your overall experience, and there are a few cheaters about. Having said that, it is my "go-to" game at the moment and having put in over 500 hours into it, can safely say it is worth the asking price.

P.S. Personally I think the gun and game play is far better in BF3 though. BF3 will always hold a distinguished place in my gaming heart :)
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